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Old September 10th, 2019, 10:01 AM
EricTheGreat1999 EricTheGreat1999 is offline
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EricTheGreat1999 knows what's in an order marker EricTheGreat1999 knows what's in an order marker
Re: Craig Van Ness Q&A Thread

Hi Craig,

Have had my Heroscape collection from my time in elementary school, over 10 years ago. I can't thank you enough for having created a game that even today stands the test of time as one of the best board games ever made (and who can't forget the memories of killing my dad's Deathwalker 9000 with my Syvarris and watching him shout in frustration ).

1. Heroscape began as Utgar and Einar, against Ullar and Jandar, with Vydar helping both sides. This however quickly changed to Utgar versus all the other Valkyrie Generals. Why the sudden change in alliances? Was it simply for the sake of story?

2. One of the more controversial decisions, back when Swarm of the Marro was to be released, was when Major Q10 was shown to have certain emotions which were "unusual" for a robot, considering that his predecessor Major Q9 was basically shown to be an unemotional killing machine. Would you redo Major Q10 and his implication in the story of SoTM?

3. In the beginning, Heroscape put Jandar and Utgar front and centre as the main Valkyrie generals in the war. However, as expansion waves were released and the story changed, generals such as Ullar and Einar began to have bigger armies than Jandar. Was this because there was no particular story line to follow, and therefore Jandar was not considered as important to the game as he was at the beginning?
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