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Old March 17th, 2017, 01:58 PM
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Re: The Book of Ant-Man (Scott Lang)

Okay, I just wanted to post a quick rundown of some of my thought processes with this design:

1) He has Amateur Insect Control off Eric because he thematically needed to be able to do it, but giving him full Radio Insect Control from Hank would have cheapened Hank’s role as the primary Insect commander, something I was unwilling to do, especially since Hank is the original and, to many people (though not myself), still most iconic, Ant-Man.

2) Small but Mighty is intended to be this guy’s signature power, my attempt at giving him a role that’s distinct and different from the other Ant-Men available. Hank’s, as I said, the insect commander, Eric’s the flying, disappearing irritant with Agent synergies, so with Scott, I wanted to explore a direction the other Ant-Men haven’t yet - namely, I wanted to represent the combat potential afforded to him by his tiny size, how it makes him hard to see coming, tricky to hit, and how it allowing him to put his full strength into a punch on a point the size of a pin prick makes him a surprisingly effective fighter. As such, opponents roll 2 fewer attack and defence dice against him - he is, basically, the combat Ant-Man, and hopefully a fairly useful filler unit.

3) Tiny Thief, as well as incorporating Tiny Stealth, is meant to represent one of the more distinct differences in his role and character from the other Ant-Men - the fact that he is, well, a Thief. As such, he is able, like Black Cat, to steal glyphs from enemy figures he passes through. I didn’t want to make this his main thing, which is definitely Small but Mighty, as I don’t want him to feel restricted to matches where someone’s carrying a glyph or there’s one on the board, but it should hopefully be a helpful, fun and thematic touch in those matchups.

4) His class is Thief for fairly obvious reasons, given Point 3. This will give him synergy with Amanda Waller and the Crime Alley Crooks (and Ventriloquist, but... yeah, no). I don’t mind these synergies in the least, in fact I like them (given the fact that he was a former master thief who was given the choice to be Ant-Man by Hank as a last chance to redeem himself, I don’t feel him being drafted into the Suicide Squad is too far out there) but I don’t want him to feel like his Thief synergies are necessary or fundamental to playing him effectively - if the Suicide Squad is a fun and viable build for him then that’s great, but I don’t want it to be at the expense of seeing him run with the Avengers, which is honestly the primary build I have in mind for him. I doubt this will be the case, especially given that Amateur Insect Control requires you to reveal an OM on his card to use it, but I thought I should clarify my thoughts on his synergies.

With that said, I know he’s not ready to undergo any official playtesting yet, and I know that I’m not allowed to do the initial playtesting anyway, but I ran an unofficial, preliminary test for him a few weeks ago and thought it might be helpful to post it.

Name Of The Playtest Unit: Ant-Man (Scott Lang)

Preliminary Test
Map: Conflict Chernobyl (no glyphs)
Ant-Man (Scott Lang) (70 points), Captain America (C3G), Bucky, Iron Man (Hulkbuster), Giant Man, 3x Killer Bee, 4x Fire Ant Swarm (995)
Red Skull (C3G), 2x Hydra Agents, Black Adam, Titanium Man (1,000)

Spoiler Alert!

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