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Old February 26th, 2024, 11:45 PM
Blue Trails Blue Trails is offline
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Re: Kolakoski’s Pre-SoV Custom Corner

I haven't really been paying attention to your playtesting plans, but I'd like to echo Shiftrex, here. Especially if you're looking to pass a unit through the SoV process, you're going to want to focus your testing efforts to the most common (competitive) formats, which are usually 2-player, 500-point games. If you need inspiration, I gravitate towards ~500 points worth of romans/redcoats, Feylund goblins, Laglor/Russians pods, or Dreadguls as opposing armies when playtesting my own customs, as they provide fairly varied set of match ups and game states while being straightforward enough that I can play both sides of the table if I don't have a playtesting partner available.

Anyway: unit critiques!

This version of Rieka looks fun, but it encounters the same "single [Hero]" problem as the one you last posted to the Pre-SoV workshop because you've removed all of her major synergies with existing units. She can't bond with anything, she can't buff other units with her special powers, and she has no Species-, Class-, or Personality-based interactions besides letting the Ebon Armor replace her with a destroyed squaddie. If you plan to resubmit this design, you should be prepared to face the same resistance as before.

I would suggest clarifying that Mark of the Raven only affects Unique Heroes. Technically, you could place a Raven Marker on any figure you wound, regardless of uniquity or Hero/Squad classification, but Unique Heroes are the only type of unit that has more than 1 Life, so the Raven Marker would just go straight back to Ravenwolf if he hits something else.

It seems like you're happier with Ravenwolf tonight than you were when you asked for my opinions, and I don't really want to be the guy who barges into your thread and tries to make you drastically revise your unit, but if you still think he's missing something, I'll leave you with my rough idea. All the existing Rogues are really frail once you overcome their mobility or defensive powers, and the faction has few cheerleaders. In contrast, this guy looks like a confident leader-type wearing heavier armor than his fellow Rogues, so you could replace one of his first two powers with something that either helps nearby Rogues live longer or helps Ravenwolf, himself, engage tougher foes and survive to draw attention away from other Rogues. As a side effect, you'd also emphasize the interesting choice for an opponent of attacking Ravenwolf and allowing him to activate Grit, or ignoring him and trying to play around the hindrances he might create.
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