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Old September 20th, 2009, 10:33 AM
Warlord Alpha Warlord Alpha is offline
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Re: Warlord Alpha's Map and Scenario Thread

Originally Posted by rednax View Post
It's hard to say which map I like the best Warlord. It would probably be the Forgotten Plateau, although No Name #2 is a close second. I've found that sometimes, when you don't know what the heck to name a map, take a city of place from Valhalla (Nastralund, Barrenspur, Ticalla, etc.) and place the word "river," "road," "Mountain," etc. after it. (Of course, only use words like Ticalla, Volcarren, and Thaelenk when your map uses one of those sets.)

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Thanks. I like Forgotten Plateau a lot as well. I played on that one A LOT and as far as I could tell it really worked well. Ranged units became melee units very quickly.

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Originally Posted by stubobj View Post
You got some good looking maps Warlord. For No Name #2 part of me is feeling like it would be more beneficial to have the ruins on the hills in the middle and move those trees next to the road. The start zone doesnt really need the protection with how big the map is. By moving these you provide more cover for melee if they decide to go up the middle and the trees being moved adjacent to the road would provide more cover for any unit taking that direction. Of course by doing that I think you would definately push the map towards favoring melee. Are there any extra pieces left over? If so maybe a couple small hills in the proximity of where the ruins are now?
Hmmm, I do see what you are saying. The problem is, the ruins can't really fit on the hills. But even if I did put them on the hills (by making the hills slightly larger or whatever needs to be done to fit the ruins), there would need to be at least one row of spaces where a ranged unit could stand and have absolutely nothing inbetween him and the enemy's starting zone. I could, however, move the ruins one or two spaces towards the hill (currently there are 3 spaces between each ruin and the hill). That would, obviously, give melee units another space or two of cover, and that is one more space they can climb up the hill to get at whatever ranged units are sitting there.

And also, the start zones can be attacked from height as it is currently. Some ranged units don't have the range, but Q9 or the Krav at those spots would be a disaster if those ruins weren't there. It actually happened that way in one game I played, I did something very stupid and let the Krav get there and they just hammered away at my start zone until they couldn't see anything else.

The map may be more melee friendly than you think though. One thing I always like to include in my maps is some kind of way to flank the enemy. I always have so much fun trying to sneak a unit or two around and have them say later "When the hell did that unit get there?!" You can see it very clearly in Forgotten Plateau and you can probably see it in No Name #2. I wish I had Drones or Zombies. Those swarm armies using the road bonus would be such a pain. They would be behind you in two turns, they would be on top of you in two turns, they would be all over your start zone AND the hill in three or four turns. The whole map could potentially be overrun by melee units.

Also as far as giving names goes rednax has some great suggestions. For me I like using movie titles as long as they fit the map. For instance I have:

A Walk to Remember
Tropic Thunder
Out Cold
A walk to Remember
Wicker Park
Old School
Close Encounters

and some more I think. Maybe thatll help you in coming up with names. It sure made things easier for me.
That is true too. I'll find a name eventually. Hopefully.
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