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Old December 27th, 2009, 10:20 PM
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Re: Mossman's Pictured Battle Reports- Master Set 3

I was able to purchase the D&D minis for Tandros and Erevan in order to make customs, and decided to do a mini-battle using them.

The armies:

Tandros Kreel, Erevan Sunshadow, and 2x Mohican River Tribe= 340

6x Zombies= 360 (You'll see a few non-'Scape undead in the mix).

The mission:
Capture the treasure chest from the center of the island:

And carry it through the gates on the far end:

The battle begins with a squad of Mohicans, supported by Erevan, sweeping to the left and up the steps toward the treasure chest, while Tandros leads the way on the right. Many, many zombies (exactly 6 per-turn) shamble forward.

Erevan's fire blast works like a charm, rolling two skulls on each of his first two attacks, and frying a couple of zombies. Unfortunately, no more walking corpses are in range.

Meanwhile, Tandros boldly steps into the midst of a zombie horde, and survives their onslaught attack with only one wound. On his attack he rolls 4 skulls, and cleaves two of the beasts in half.

Though the Mohicans put up a brave (pun intended) fight, the sheer weight of zombie numbers forces Erevan to use his Fey Step early. He reaches the summit and seizes the treasure chest, but is immediately surrounded by zombies.

Erevan's special fails him, and with only 2 defense, he dies a quick death.

Tandros fights his way to the top the hill, taking two more wounds in the process. Reaching the summit, he cleaves two more zombies and claims the treasure chest.

Bad positioning and bad dice rolling, however, cost Tandros dearly. He is encircled, and the zombies roll five skulls, to which our intrepid hero whiffs.

Angered that their general forgot that only a hero may carry a treasure "glyph", the remaining Mohicans go on a rampage, slaughtering the remaining zombies.

The result- 2 Mohicans left alive, mission not accomplished.


As I often do with new units, I played recklessly, eager to see what they could do. Tandros acquitted himself well, and Ereven did okay. Erevan's 2 defense means he needs an ally with a defense aura, or at the very least, needs to stick by Tandros, who can draw attacks away from Erevan. Tandros was pretty good- +2 broadsword and cleave worked a couple of times, and he did manage to shoot down a zombie.

Had I been taking the game a bit more seriously, I would have scoured the board as much as I could with the MRT, who really came up strong, and followed behind with Tandros escorting Erevan. Ideally, Erevan would have carried the treasure, and use his Fey Step to escape.

Overall, they are both fun figures to play, and a skilled, thoughtful player (not me) will make good use of them. Most important to me- at no time did I think, "Gee, these don't feel like Heroscape miniatures to me. They look like D&D minis." I had the same experience I always have when I play 'Scape- good fun.

Last edited by Mossman; December 27th, 2009 at 10:26 PM.
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