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Old January 2nd, 2021, 11:27 PM
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boromir96 boromir96 is offline
OHS S40 and VCheese #2 Champion
Join Date: November 20, 2010
Location: USA-IL-Peoria
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Re: Special Event: Bring the VCheese #2 CONGRATS BOROMIR96

Got the win in a tight game against HS2010. Kudos to Kirk for bringing a much more imaginative build than I did and almost winning it all! Halfway through the game I thought I had no shot and was also having internet issues which probably led to me playing sloppier than I should have.

Kirk opened with MW while I slow rolled Knights to the top of the screen. I was terrified of what his MW could do with Ulnivia so I made it a priority to take it away even if I had to sacrifice a couple knights to keep it away. I got a lucky 5 symbol dispatch to allow me to snag it first. He was able to pick off a few knights and I brought Raelin up on my OM 3. He was able to kill the knight on the glyph on his OM 3 and get the init switch to put a fast 3 wounds on Raelin. I fought back and took out a couple MW and he retreated and cloned. I pushed a couple knights out of Raelin aura to bring him down to 1 MW. He brought his Raelin up to bottom of the map and I rushed Gilbert and 3/4 knights over to try to take her out quickly. Unfortunately for me he had some sort of hybrid/mutant Raelin that rolled shields like you’ve never seen. Even with boosted attacks from Gilbert it would take me almost 2 rounds to take her down. In the meantime Mimring was burning things and a worrying amount of Arrow Grut attacks were getting through. Running out of knights I pushed Gilbert into his SZ to try to tie down and wound Mimring but his attacks did nothing for several turns. By the time his Raelin and my Gilbert were dead, I had no wounds on Mimring and maybe 7 knights left. One Knight I pushed into his SZ and was able to get 2 wounds on the Dragon before falling. With 4-5 Knights left I was able to kill a few AGs and put a Knight on Ulnivia, and then switched all my OMs onto MW. MWs in Raelin aura started chewing through AGs, and then after an aggressive Mimring placement they took out the dragon as well. At this point I hadn’t lost a MW yet, and HS still had 9ish AGs. HS was able to sneak a couple in to take down Raelin, and then a couple MWs shortly thereafter. With 2 MWs left against 3 AGs I decided to keep attacking rather than try to clone. He took out another MW and I got him down to 1 AG, on his OM 3 his last grut whiffed his 1die, and my MW hopped on Wannok for the win. I won with 1 MW and 3 knights left. GG!

Definitely wasn’t super happy with how I played it, but maybe it’s just because the early risks I took didn’t work out at all. At one point Kirk was rolling well over 50% shields, he ended the game right at 50% while I was under 30%. I’m excited to watch @BiggaBullfrog break it down and show me what I could have done better.

Originally Posted by kevindola View Post
Congratulations Boromir. I will only have to go a couple of miles to drop off the trophy!

Spoiler Alert!
I think the Cathar build would’ve been great too, but there was definitely times where the extra speed from Dispatch was huge for me.

I played this build because of the recent discussion from the COV threads where it was being debated whether or not Raelin actually made Knight builds worse. There were definitely times where I felt like her aura was restrictive, but in other matchups like Blast/Glads her and the MW were huge.

MW and Raelin OP? I think both finals armies in both cheese events have had both.

Tournament Record:128-54 Online record:67-34
Peoria IL Monthly Tournaments

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