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Old August 22nd, 2011, 01:45 PM
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Re: 3 Player Games - Ethics?

Originally Posted by Schulzy View Post
That said, all is fair in 3-player games. If you don't enjoy the potential for one guy to get ganged up on and obliterated, try playing that a player wins if the player to his left is killed.
We've done a lot like this over the years. A lot of fun. Tricky metagame, but good times.

We've also done a lot of castle maps. 2 v 1. We used the official scenarios to help give us a rough sense of balance.

We also found, generally, that if we had the Castle player have to start on the ground level behind his castle and with roughly even total points the game played fairly well. (So, I have 500 points on the ground level behind my castle. My opponents have 500 each, but are off at the far end of the map. They have more OMs than me, but, well, I have a castle.)

However, it's really all about balancing out the players you have. For us, we usually played my daughter and wife against me, so we found a balance that worked for us, but probably wouldn't work for everyone.

That's why I recommend playing a few of the official 3 player scenarios and using them to gauge your group and what works as a balance. (We really loved the Aarglynn map, fwiw.)


As for ethics, my feeling is to build your issues into the game. If you don't want players to be eliminated early, don't just ask people to be nice, when it's not in their interest to within the game.

Have rules for reinforcements, so that is Player X gets knocked out, he gets to roll for reinforcements and rejoin at the next Turn. Or have the goal be controlling a central Brandar glyph for 2 consecutive rounds (or just two consecutive turns). "Control" means, without any adjacent enemy units at the end of each turn. Or, as we've already said here, have the elimination of the player to your left end the game. So no one is out earlier than anyone else.

The game's objectives should match your desired outcomes for the game and the way you would like the players to play. Match the playstyle you want to a game style that matches it.
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