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Old September 25th, 2021, 12:40 PM
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flameslayer93 flameslayer93 is offline
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flameslayer93 is a penguin with a machine gun flameslayer93 is a penguin with a machine gun flameslayer93 is a penguin with a machine gun flameslayer93 is a penguin with a machine gun flameslayer93 is a penguin with a machine gun flameslayer93 is a penguin with a machine gun flameslayer93 is a penguin with a machine gun flameslayer93 is a penguin with a machine gun flameslayer93 is a penguin with a machine gun flameslayer93 is a penguin with a machine gun flameslayer93 is a penguin with a machine gun flameslayer93 is a penguin with a machine gun
Re: [Pod 1] DIENEKES (Gideon Jura, Combat Mage) - Testing

Ran another game today, this time with Dienekes as a screen for some artillery.

A snow and ice map with a highway running through the middle. Valda was on the edge but not used.

My Army:
Zettian Infantry x3


Dzu Teh x3

425 vs 420 points

I used my first two turns to park Dienekes on a hill with a fair bit of clearing. LoveElemental ran 6 of the yetis towards the far easier path that Dienekes was blocking. When the yetis would end their movement next to a glacier and within 3, I would go ahead and yoink them next to Dienekes so that Deathwalker and the Infantry could fry them on my next turn. This was quite effective, and Dienekes only suffered two wounds from Yeti attacks. When Marutuk came to play, I had Deathwalker positioned so that Worthy Challenge would prevent Marutuk from finishing off Dienekes. This let Dienekes absorb two Dismisive Swipes before the dragonspawn had a standoff with the Deathwalker. Deathwalker (and the Zettian Infantry) pelted down Marutuk and we called the game. In total, only Dienekes and a single Zettian Infantry was lost.

Tether or Logos is a handy way to get figures both into range of your artillery pieces, and deny some of your opponent's defensive powers. It really helps make Dienekes into handy dandy hero.

My customs.
NE Ohio Tourney - TBA
SW Ohio Tourney - NHSD 550 points
AotV - Colliding the minis of AotP with the world of HS.
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