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Old January 23rd, 2024, 07:41 PM
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Sir Dendrik Sir Dendrik is offline
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Re: Does Anyone Draft Anymore?

It's a lot of fun to pick a unit and then build a metagame around them. I started with Q9, built a 16 card pool with a ton of counters to him in it. Then I moved to Erevan Sunshadow, picking units that let him shine. Ne-Gok-Sa was next, making a Unique only metagame with a lot of Unique Squads. On the horizon I want to make Sir Dendrik... I mean, Sir Denrick... the center of another metagame. That'll probably include the MacDirk Highlanders and a lot of Huge figures. Then I want to make a heavy snow/slippery ice map and make a 16 card draft with Nerak, Dzu-Teh and Microcorp Troopers at the center.

I'm just concerned that a new player will have to memorize 16 cards instead of 2 to 5 to make their army (2 to 5 in their pre-built army, which is how I've been operating outside drafts). But I will be able to help new players, so it probably won't be a problem. If we play several games with the same draft pool things will be easier, but I suspect I'm going to want to set up several draft pools for any given game day.

Going to try the 16 card draft on March 3, 2024 at the Western NY Heroscape Club meetup. Not a tournament, but Free for All. Also want to try it at my birthday party later on in the year with less experienced players. I suspect the limited draft format will recapture some of the magic of the old RotV days.

Handle origin: I used to film comedy skits with my friends. I didn't want any cursing in them, so I made up new insults, like "dendrik". Then Sir Denrick came out, and the rest is history.
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