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Old January 15th, 2019, 07:28 PM
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Leo Ultra Leo Ultra is offline
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Re: Leo's Custom Units

Originally Posted by Lazy Orang View Post
The Praetorians' Bio isn't badly written, but I have to say... the historical inaccuracies jumped out and slapped me in the face. The most glaring ones:

1) I quite like that you had the Praetorians depose their Emperor - this is definitely a thing that happened, though generally more for political reasons than benevolent ones. Still, I don't begrudge you for trying to represent good people in a rotten system.
2) The presence of a woman in the Praetorian guard.... yeah, wouldn't have happened. Historically, no. I suppose you could claim it as an alternative universe for the sake of representation, but, as a woman myself, it still feels off.
3) The last bit.... no. The Gladiator Revolt (which Crixus and Spartacus come from) pre-dates Rome having Emperors (and therefore the Praetorian Guard as well... Rome was still a Republic then) as well as the Colosseum.

Thank you very much for stopping by! You seem to have an impressive knowledge of history, and thank you for commenting on the rebellion. I will correct the Bio when I get a chance.

On the topic of Avita being a member, while I do admit that it would be exceedingly unlikely in our history, I recalled a legend/procedure about two praetors leading Rome in times of political unrest, one male and one female, and I thought it would add to the unit(and potentially increase sculpt availability). Perhaps I'm just remembering something from Rick Riordan's works, then, but is there any fringe case where that could have happened?

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