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Old April 21st, 2014, 04:22 PM
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Re: Long Island Heroscape League- April Game Day!!!!

Long Island Heroscape League, April Game Day.

Some additional photos of the game. If anyone else captured a great shot please feel free to post it or send it to me so I can post it!

Captain America squares off with Ultron. However, Magneto, perched high above on the ledge of a skyscraper, is just seconds away from magnetically tossing that tanker truck into Captain, Nick Fury, and all of those SHIELD Agents in the park...

Nick Fury and Captain America survive the massive blast that takes out three SHIELD Agents along with a couple of park benches and the statue in the park.

Thor smashes a Sentinal with a helicopter while Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and Ironman do battle with Loki's invading Frost Giants and Sentinals.

The center of town saw a lot of action.

Ultron is destroyed but manages to download into one of his Ultron-Bots. However he proves no match for Hulk (not in view)!

Vision, in his Massive state, takes an elevator up to an upper floor and takes out the Winter Soldier. Winter Soldier had been taking out a lot of figures with his sniper rifle. Vision could have phased into his Insubstantial state and flown up but that might have made him more vulnerable. We all hummed elevator music for hours....

Anyway, great game everyone. The cards played very well and everything seemed pretty balanced. I still might tweak Ultron a bit, perhaps allowing for multiple downloads.

Now I don't have to wait until next summer to see the "Age of Ultron" movie. We already know how it ends!
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