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Old January 22nd, 2008, 06:35 PM
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What makes a good master set? By request from WotC

Wizards Staff Member

"I imagine we'll be looking at a potential new master set later this year. Maybe it's time for (yet another) new thread about what makes a good master set..."

Well I like the sound of that! I love master sets. And I want to show the people at WotC that if they say, even jokingly, that a new thread should be started to give them ideas about a new master set that we should take them up on it and try to help out as much as we can. I want this website and its occupants to be a main motivator for new expansions and advancements in the world of Heroscape.

So let's start talking (again), about what makes a great master set!

Alright, after reading through the thread it seems that herosapers has spoken: They like the 1st master set. This has to do with mainly a nice variety of terrian. We liked SotM, but look at it as another expansion, and not a master set. RotV supplied us with an entire game, no a universe, at our disposal. It had tons of different terrain and units that were all different so that anybody could pick what they wanted. SotM had basically one type of terrain and was occupied by Marro in the vast majority.

RotV gave you the big picture of Heroscape: A ton of warriors from all around the universe, gathered at one place to fight. SotM seemed to tell the buyer that a ton of wierd skeleton Marro occupied all of the world, and a small band of heroes was sent to destroy them. Not that that's not cool, it just doesn't tell the new budding 'scaper a lot about the world of Heroscape.

Everyone likes large figures so it seems like they should stay

Commons vs Uniques seem to still be debated but I would say that most people want a mix. No matter what, you're gonna have a bunch of people wanting to buy mulitple master sets, so why not have something in there that anyone would want multiple copies of. Having more terrain was the driving force behind getting more RotV master sets, and getting more of the common squads was the driving force of the SotM master set. We all liked both, just RotV more.


So perhaps we want a master set that has both uniques and commons (as long as there is still a variety, and not just a bunch of commons from the same general), and most importantly a variety of terrain (with some of it being new terrain we haven't seen before). We want a master set that is a complete game in a box that anybody can pick up and play and get the whole world of Heroscape right there, and not have to get anything else if they don't want to, but we also want a master set that will make us want to buy multiple copies of it. Do I have it summed up well enough?

Edit 2
I'm putting Revdyer's comment on here because I think it's genius and states exactly what a lot of people want (I know I want it personally)

(1) a good selection of the basic hexes
(2) water
(3) ten or more hexes of road
(4) LOS blockers, such as the ruins (better if a new design)
(5) four or more plants, either trees or jungle bushes
(6) One Unique Hero from each general (six)
(7) Two sets of two common squads
( Markers, glyphs, rules, cards, dice, etc.

Edit 3
After reading more of the posts and talking to a couple other people I have decided to talk about the opinion of having only unique figures coming in a master set. There are a lot of people that want this and this thread would be a bad if it included only my opinion (and others who agree with me) in the first post. The argument is to have only uniques in the master set, but have terrain packs that include the terrain from the master set. This would appease the players who buy tons of master sets for the terrain, and the unique-only people. This would also possibly appease WotC who think they lose money on master sets.
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