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Old December 1st, 2020, 09:47 AM
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Setting the Table for Super
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Re: The Book of Thanos (Infinity Quest)

My group is planning on playing a Thanos Infinity Gauntlet scenario soon. I’d like to run our ideas by you all to get some feedback/suggestions/edits before we dive into the game.

The plan is to play a 3 v 1 game, or really a 3 v 2 game where the Thanos player(probably me) will also run a 2nd team and have a second set of order markers.

The 3 opponent players would field teams of 450 points. Thanos would be a team of 1 at 1200 points and he would have a partner team of somewhere between 300 and 450 points.

The turns would be 9 to 6 per round, so what we thought we would try to do would be to allow Thanos and his other army to use the x-markers as another turn that they could use at the end of a turn(but not both in the same turn). So a round would look something like this:

Turn 1: Team 1 - Thanos - Team 2 - Thanos Army - Team 3 - X-Marker Thanos Turn
Turn 2: Team 1 - Thanos - Team 2 - Thanos Army - Team 3
Turn 3: Team 1 - Thanos - Team 2 - Thanos Army - Team 3 - X-Marker Thanos Army Turn

So now its 9 turns to 8 each round. The issue would be X-marker powers, so a work around would be not draft those figures.

Please let know if you see some holes in our plan or if you think we need to adjust the point values of the teams.

Also. if you are playing against Thanos, would a viable strategy be to bring a figure like Moonknight, have him grab a gem and leave the board for most of the game to stop Thanos from acquiring all the gems? Should we have a rule in place to stop it?

Thanks in advance for an advice you may have to offer.
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