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Old August 14th, 2019, 08:09 AM
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Re: GenCon 2019 Feedback Thread

Hello! As an outsider who only plays casually with the wife and as someone whose never attended a tournament before, I've really enjoyed reading all about Gencon, the results and feedback.

In regards to time, I have a suggestion for how it may run smoother if you would endulge me. I'm currently not an attendee so feel free to ignore it.

Have you all considered having a personal player time limit for each game? Something like "each player has a maximum of 30 minutes to complete all his or her moves in a match."

It would go something like this:

Each player has a timer/stopwatch/clock next to him with the display visible to everyone. I've never played chess before but I'm imagining those timers each player uses in those tournament games.

Player 1 and Player 2 both start their timers the moment the game begins or when a new round starts and place their order markers. Once a player has placed his or her order markers, he or she stops their personal timer.

The round begins and whoever won initiative starts their timer again and takes their first turn. Their timer stays on until they roll their attack dice. Then they stop their timer and their opponent starts their timer to roll their defense dice. They stop their timer again after dice have been rolled.

Once a new turn begins, the timer continues.

Play continues until the game is over or until a player runs out of their personal time.

My thoughts behind this system is that if you want the games to not go past an hour, this will help keep it within that time limit while not stressing out one of the players who is constantly waiting on their opponent. It will also encourage players to move quicker while allowing them to take an extra moment for really important decisions. .
I think this is how the designers intended the game because if you reread the old comic book, Sir Hawthorne encourages one of his men to not overthink each move .

Just my two cents.
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