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Old April 15th, 2011, 06:34 AM
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Re: MSE - Easy Army Card Creator (V2.4 for CHCG24)

Originally Posted by Darkmage7a View Post
There is a hi-rez valkrill card out there somewhere but it isn't formated to the correct size. If anyone manages to get everything lined up in this program to work properly for all the Hi-Rez cards that would be awesome. I use this thing all the time and I gotta say it saves on a lot of work. However the best results are still found in slowly doing things the long and tedious way.
If it may help, I have formated the hi-rez Valkrill card to use it with MSE.

1) Install MSE and the Optional V2.4 High-Resolution Export Templates as explained in the OP.

2) Download this Valkrill card, and save it in your "Magic Set Editor 2\data\heroscape-hires-ds.mse-style\cardblanks" folder.

3) Go in the "Magic Set Editor 2\data\heroscape-hires-ds.mse-style" folder and make a backup copy of the "style" file.

4) Copy-paste this code to be the new content of the "style" file.
mse version: 0.3.8
game: heroscape
short name: H - DS
full name: Dungeon Set Styles (Hi-Res)
icon: card-sample.png
installer group: heroscape/HDS
position hint: 13

version: 2010-12-26
depends on: heroscape.mse-game 2010-12-26
depends on: heroscape-marvelsymbols.mse-symbol-font 2008-07-29

card background: white
card width: 1474
card height: 1384
card dpi: 300

styling field:
	type: boolean
	name: fog image
	description: Automatically add fog effect to card image?
	initial: yes

init script:
	caps := "yes"
	colorcheck := {
		if to_lower(input) = "jandar" then rgb(70,70,70)
		else if to_lower(input) = "valkrill" then rgb(40,40,40)
		else rgb(255,255,255)
	abilheight := {
		if card.marvelsym != "" or set.chcg24 = "Include at bottom of text box" then 860
		else 916

include file: /heroscape.mse-game/styleinclude

card style:
			if set.chcg24 = "Do not include" then -1000
			else if set.chcg24 = "Include in hitzone box" then 1190
			else if set.chcg24 = "Include at bottom of text box" then 446
			else -1000
			if set.chcg24 = "Do not include" then -1000
			else if set.chcg24 = "Include in hitzone box" then 796
			else if set.chcg24 = "Include at bottom of text box" then 1216
			else -1000
		width: 84
		height: 84
		z index: 5
		render style: image
		popup style: in place
		choice images:
			jandar:	  /heroscape.mse-game/chcg24/jandar.png
			utgar:	  /heroscape.mse-game/chcg24/utgar.png
			vydar:	  /heroscape.mse-game/chcg24/vydar.png
			ullar:	  /heroscape.mse-game/chcg24/ullar.png
			einar:	  /heroscape.mse-game/chcg24/einar.png
			aquilla:  /heroscape.mse-game/chcg24/aquilla.png
			valkrill: /heroscape.mse-game/chcg24/valkrill.png

		left: 10
		top: 980
		width: 140
		height: 240
		z index: 4   
			name: Arial Narrow
			size: 14
			color: rgb(0,0,0)

	author text:
		left: 1300
		top: 980
		width: 140
		height: 240
		z index: 4
			name: Arial Narrow
			size: 14
			color: rgb(0,0,0)

	card type:
		left:	0
		top:	0
		width:	1474
		height:	1384
		z index: -4
		render style: image
		popup style: in place
		choice images:
			jandar:		cardblanks/jandar.jpg
			ullar:		cardblanks/ullar.jpg
			utgar:		cardblanks/utgar.jpg
			einar:		cardblanks/einar.jpg
			vydar:		cardblanks/vydar.jpg
			aquilla:	cardblanks/aquilla.jpg
			valkrill:	cardblanks/valkrill.jpg
			custom:		cardblanks/custom.jpg

		left:	{if styling.fog_image = "no" then 705 else -1000}
		top:	48
		width:	478
		height:	1031
		z index: 2
		mask: imagemask.png

		left:	{if styling.fog_image = "yes" then 705 else -1000}
		top:	48
		width:	478
		height:	1031
		z index: 2
		mask: imagemask_fogged.png

		left:	1185
		top:	456
		width:	253
		height:	477
		z index: 4
		mask: hzmask.png

	########################################################### Ability Text

		left: 338
		top: 339
		width: 336
			script: abilheight()
		z index: 6
			name: Arial Narrow
			size: 24
			color: black
			scale down to: 12
		line height soft: 0.96
		mask: textmask.png


		left: 427
		top: 87
		width: 102
		height: 118
		render style: image
		popup style: in place
		choice images:
			blank: /heroscape.mse-game/gensymbols/hex.png
			jandar: /heroscape.mse-game/gensymbols/jandar.png
			utgar: /heroscape.mse-game/gensymbols/utgar.png
			vydar: /heroscape.mse-game/gensymbols/vydar.png
			ullar: /heroscape.mse-game/gensymbols/ullar.png
			einar: /heroscape.mse-game/gensymbols/einar.png
			aquilla: /heroscape.mse-game/gensymbols/aquilla.png
			valkrill: /heroscape.mse-game/gensymbols/valkrill.png
			custom1: /heroscape.mse-game/gensymbols/custom1.png
			custom2: /heroscape.mse-game/gensymbols/custom2.png
			custom3: /heroscape.mse-game/gensymbols/custom3.png
			symbolcustom1: script: symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol1, variation: "standard")
			symbolcustom2: script: symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol2, variation: "standard")
			symbolcustom3: script: symbol_variation(symbol: set.symbol3, variation: "standard")

		left: 316
		top : 214
		width: 312
		height: 70
		alignment: middle center
		padding bottom: 0
		z index: 2
			name: Arial Narrow
			weight: bold
			size: 30
			color: rgb(255,255,255)
		line height soft: 0.9


		left: 389
		top: 297
		width: 182
		height: 34
		alignment: middle center shrink-overflow
		z index: 2
			name: Arial Narrow
			weight: bold
			size: 20
			color: rgb(255,255,255)

		left: 150
		top : 560
		width: 129
		height: 30
		alignment: middle right shrink-overflow
		z index: 4
			name: Arial Narrow
			size: 22
			weight: bold
			color: rgb(255,255,255)
			separator color: rgb(128,128,128)

		left: 84
		top: 611
		width: 195
		height: 30
		alignment: middle right shrink-overflow
		z index: 4
			name: Arial Narrow
			size: 22
			weight: bold
			color: rgb(255,255,255)
			separator color: rgb(128,128,128)

		left: 49
		top: 661
		width: 230
		height: 30
		alignment: middle right shrink-overflow
		z index: 4
			name: Arial Narrow
			size: 22
			weight: bold
			color: rgb(255,255,255)
			separator color: rgb(128,128,128)

		left: 49
		top: 713
		width: 230
		height: 28
		alignment: middle right shrink-overflow
		z index: 4
			name: Arial Narrow
			size: 22
			weight: bold
			color: rgb(255,255,255)
			separator color: rgb(128,128,128)

		left: 102
		top: 760
		width: {177 - card_style.marvel_size_number.content_width}
		height: 60
		alignment: right shrink-overflow
		z index: 4
			name: Arial Narrow
			size: 30
			weight: bold
			color: rgb(255,255,255)
			separator color: rgb(128,128,128)
	marvel size number:
		left: 205
		top: 760
		width: 80
		height: 60
		alignment: right shrink-overflow
		z index: 6
			name: Arial Narrow
			size: 30
			weight: bold
			color: rgb(255,255,255)
			separator color: rgb(128,128,128)

		left: { if to_lower(input) = "valkrill" then 922 else 916 }
		top: 675
		width: 78
		height: 54
		alignment: top center shrink-overflow
		z index: 6
			name: Arial
			size: 40
			weight: bold
			color: rgb(255,255,255)

		left: { if to_lower(input) = "valkrill" then 1036 else 1020 }
		top: 781
		width: 106
		height: 60
		alignment: top center shrink-overflow
		z index: 6
			name: Arial
			size: 36
			weight: bold
			color: rgb(255,255,255)

		left: { if to_lower(input) = "valkrill" then 1036 else 1020 }
		top: 878
		width: 106
		height: 60
		alignment: top center shrink-overflow
		z index: 6
			name: Arial
			size: 36
			weight: bold
			color: rgb(255,255,255)

		left: { if to_lower(input) = "valkrill" then 1036 else 1020 }
		top: 975
		width: 106
		height: 60
		alignment: top center shrink-overflow
		z index: 6
			name: Arial
			size: 36
			weight: bold
			color: rgb(255,255,255)

		left: { if to_lower(input) = "valkrill" then 1036 else 1020 }
		top: 1072
		width: 106
		height: 60
		alignment: top center shrink-overflow
		z index: 6
			name: Arial
			size: 36
			weight: bold
			color: rgb(255,255,255)

		left: 886
		top: 1164
		width: 136
		height: 54
		alignment: top center shrink-overflow
		z index: 6
			name: Arial
			size: 36
			weight: bold
				script: colorcheck( card.card_type )

	########################################################### Abilities

		left: 384
		top: 1202
		width: 152
		height: 90
		z index: 6
		alignment: middle center
		symbol font:
			name: heroscape-marvelsymbols
			size: 120
			alignment: middle center
And voilà, that's all.
The new code allows usage of the Valkrill.jpg by MSE.
It also does some fine tuning work to align everything when using the new Valkrill card.

EDIT 5-14-2011: Little changes in the code to better align Move, Range, Attack and Defense values on Valkrill cards. Thanks to Sertorius.

Last edited by dalu; March 11th, 2012 at 02:28 PM. Reason: Link to the HS card edited.
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