Thread: Decision 2016
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Old October 6th, 2016, 06:03 PM
Rich10 Rich10 is offline
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Re: Decision 2016

Originally Posted by dok View Post
I don't get that sense from Trump at all. I don't think he really had any issue with Clinton's policies per se before he contemplated a run, nor do I think he had or has much in the way of sincerely held core principles of his own. He's just a guy who wants to be president. Again, this is not something I would have said about any other major party candidate in my lifetime.

Remember this story? I always thought it was an absurd thing to suggest, but I kinda do feel that way this fall.
Well, that got quite a response. Lets see if I can address my observations on Trump.

Do I believe that he's a narcissist? Yes, (and this is a huge deal) but I don't know how to determine if it is "clinical".

Trump has shown very questionable ethics (but I don't think he's alone in this election on this issue).

Is he a bigot? I don't know, but I have met an African-American woman who works for Trump and she says Trump treats all people equally (tough, fair, and politically incorrect). She is voting for Trump. I have never met Trump.

Is he a womanizer? Ahem, lets move on although many of our presidents would fail this.

I don't know if this was addressed, but I think that he's a compulsive liar.

To me, the tax issue is a non-issue. So long as he followed the tax rules, I don't really care how much tax he paid or didn't pay. I still think he should release his tax returns.

Instead of commenting on whether he's a good person, I meant to say that I believe that Trump feels that his policies would be best for this country. But which policies does he really care about? I think that he believes most fervently in the immigration issue and on renegotiating trade deals. If anyone is interested, his immigration position seems to come straight from Ann Coulter's book, "Adios America".

I'm not sure of any other position that he has that he has spoken with conviction on. Lower taxes is a Republican staple, and I agree with his proposal to lower corporate taxes (to prevent more US companies moving to tax havens). Unfortunately, he hasn't agreed to raise the personal rate as an offset.

He's taken a pro life stand, but this may be a Republican litmus test. He has expressed moderate views on transgender issues.

As I think about this, I'm not sure what many of Trump's positions are because they just don't matter. To me, he fails the most important test of whether I would be willing to make him the commander in chief of this country. But he does seem supremely convinced that his reign (not sure what else to call it) would make America great again largely on the basis of his personal brilliance.

Dok, to your last point, I'd take Obama or Bush over Clinton or Trump. Given the choices I have, I'll vote Clinton.
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