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Old October 29th, 2018, 10:38 PM
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Re: Stingers Vs Samurai Archers

Stingers are way better. The extra attack is indeed that valuable, and draining is a better tool than Counter Strike with 3 def. Draining's payoff turns are huge swings, but you have to be willing to gamble.

Side note: I think the ability is a bit unexplored because originally it was deemed that it's better to drain very conservatively. Most people including myself do that. But Hendal drains basically every turn and has had huge success with Stingers, maybe the reward is greater than the backfire when you do it so much, because of board momentum and control? It's interesting, draining a lot might be the way to go in a lot of matchups.

TSA are decent against some melee but honestly their efficiency department doesn't really work. They have range, but with a low 2 attack and only 3 squad, so they lose to a lot of other range. But it seems being able to ping and have counterstrike makes it hard for melee...but only 3 defense doesn't do much with it, and a pinging 3 squad at 6 range doesn't do much to efficient melee, be it 4 squads and/or bonding with movement options.

They're weird, it feels like the TSA are a unit that's missing an ability or something. If they had some kind of engagement attack boost (like the 10th) or something they'd feel more realized.

But yeah Stingers are miles stronger
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