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Old December 2nd, 2009, 02:07 PM
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Re: How could WOTC save money?

Money Saving and Making ideas for WOTC.

1. Terrain booster packs. Bring back the Lava and ice terrain sets, and release boosters of other terrain types like grass swamp, water, stone and sand. maybe 4 of each platter size in a pack. How about a desert set with cacti and scorpions, a mountain set with stone mountain peaks like the ice peaks in the Tundra expansion. A Forrest Expansion with both conifers and desiduous trees maybe some vines and a forrest spring. Elven village similar to an ewok village. A newly designed fortress with more of a sinister feel to it might be good too.

2. More destructable and non destructable barriers like ruins, trees, statues, ice peaks, stone peaks, guard towers, turrets, road blocks, boulders and special items like demon gate, or a cirle of power, like some of the excellent customs on this site.
Sell them as optional boosters.

3. Sell miniature boosters in smaller booster packs and sell them as collectables. Say 1 squad and a hero.

4. Release game bases measuring 24" X 24" and interlockable for truely large gaming fields which are easily moved without deconstruction.

5. Quest/battle packs. Expansion sets consisting of battle field maps and senarios using included expansion components. These could be Roman army vs Gauls, Greeks Vs Troy, Orc's vs Elves, Modern soldiers Vs Alien threat, Robots Vs. Robots. WW2 germans vs allies.

6. Hold official senario developement contests to be released in future boosters. Maybe even miniature designs.

Give us lots of gaming options and don't limit us to D&D style play. I usually build LARGE battle fields, 6 feet x 5 feet and I will play everything from modern warfare senarios and battle recreations to fantasy style questing.
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