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Old June 5th, 2019, 08:37 PM
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Taeblewalker Taeblewalker is offline
Will Ultimately Face the Evil Black Dragon
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Re: The New York City Gang Of Four

Added more to the above post. Instead of starting with allies, players begin with 30 gold to hire allies or friendlies. Keeping the gold and going it alone can be used as a Gold VP.

Still working on allies and friendlies for some of the characters, like the Swordsman, Sorcerer and Wizard. Suggestions are welcome.

Edit: We will set up the world using the Magic Realm tiles. HS terrain will be used fo combat. Think Titan; masterboard vs battlelands.

Each player gets 4 phases per day. Actions to take in a phase are:

Hide: Keep your characters from being seen (and targeted) by other players and monsters.
Hire: Try to get allies and friendlies to join your group.
Move: Go from one hex to another; needing two Move phases to enter a mountain clearing or going offroad.
Rest: Remove wound markers from heroes.
Search: Try to find treasure locations, hidden paths, secret passages, and hidden enemies.
Trade: Try to buy or sell treasure.

The Amazon gets an extra Move phase.
The Berserker and White Knight each get an extra Rest phase.
The Elf gets and extra Hide phase.

The Black Knight and White Knight reroll Hire and Trade rolls.
The Dwarf rerolls all Search rolls in caves.

Edit: We will be using Second Wind for heroes and followers, but not for monsters.

Edit: Each player can choose to start at the Chapel, Ghosts, Guard, House or Inn.

Edit: Still deciding what I want to do with spells.

Last edited by Taeblewalker; June 5th, 2019 at 09:24 PM.
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