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Old August 17th, 2010, 09:29 PM
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RoninValentina RoninValentina is offline
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Re: Gen Con 2010 Main Event Armies

Okay. I've been thinking about the whole Q9, Rats, Raelin things since the tournament ended. Meanwhile, I'm looking ahead to NHSD'10. The point total for the event here in Nor-Cal is going to be 460. One of the first armies that came to mind is:

Rats x4
460 pts - 20 hexes.

Now, it's missing Raelin, but I think the extra squad of rats could help mitigate that. But the point I'm working towards here is the format for our tourney is an army swap. You play your army the first round, and then each round after you get an army drawn at random. You're also never allowed to play the same army twice. If I brought such an army, it'd be possible to see how well it does in the hands of four other players at the same event. Will such an army go 5-0? Or how many times will it lose? Will those losses correlate to player records or the armies they faced? Since we'll be keeping track of both player records and army records over the event, it might be possible to draw some conclusions on the whole thing.

I haven't committed to doing this yet, but if I did it would be for science (SCIENCE!) and that's kinda tempting. On the other hand, I have to see Menchi and Fishtako at these events, and I don't want them to punch me in the face.

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