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Old April 1st, 2021, 11:16 PM
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DoomCarrot DoomCarrot is offline
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Re: The Book of Acolarh

Originally Posted by R˙chean View Post
Originally Posted by DoomCarrot View Post
If I dump Emiroon for him, then the entire elf stratagem falls apart.
I used to feel this way, but as vegie points out, Emiroon isn’t really necessary to have success with a wizard build.
I gotta make a big disagree there.

In my personal opinion (TM but also open source) Emiroon is the single most important elf beside ulginesh. The most precarious part of playing elves, and the most vital, is setting them up. This. Is. Vital. If your opponent can foil your setup or delay it longer than a few rounds, you're in big trouble. Venoc swarm incoming on round 1? Uh oh, bad news.

The elves are simply not strong. Or good even. BUT, together, if oriented in the right way, on the right hill, in the right place of the map, breaking them can feel like trying to break a walnut's shell with safety scissors (lol idk).

But you NEED to set this up. And that means dumping your order markers on ulginesh, not wasting a single turn on elf squads, and zooming your elves as a pod up to your position of choice. Emiroon is the man for this job. Move him, get him to summon 2 elves up with him, and then move another wizard separately. next turn, move ulginesh himself, rinse and repeat. You might only need to move ulginesh once or twice even because he flies and is pretty speedy.

Now, by the time you get sort of positioned, you'll have gorillinators or death chasers or vipers in your face already. THIS is why I prefer the WoA vastly to the Aubriens. Leave the WoA in the back, safely out of range. When you need them, use emiroon to drop them in a defensive ring around your elf pod. If you have your pod set up right, most of your elves will be raking in defense dice against ranged from height, kyntela, and hopefully something like jungle too. Most of the heavy hitters strong enough to crack the shell are nullified greatly by the WoA screen, and if they do kill one, just immediately have emiroon summon another one in.

If done correctly, there will be a few tense turns where you probably don't have enough WoA up yet and something is smacking your wizards around and you are desperately trying to push them off your defensive position. However, if you do pull this off, your opponent will be forced to basically suicide his remaining melee units against Arkmer and your WoA, or he will have to pick at you with weaker ranged attacks while you throw much stronger ones back in return.

It is tricky. It doesn't always work. But when it does, it's glorious lol.

But if emiroon was gone? Well.... Well then I actually wouldn't know how to play elves in a way that could beat an army of marro drones and microcorps or something. I really feel he is absolutely vital to the elf pod. Emiroon is a sort of glue, and the elf wizards are pletty flimsy figures on their own.
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