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Old July 9th, 2019, 05:59 PM
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Nadi Nadi is offline
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House Rules & Alternate Play Modes

Been playing HeroScape since about 2008 now and just recently got back into playing again after being away for a few years. Most of my group (some who were teens at the time, who are now adults.. LOL) has stayed together and a lot of us that play now also played back them. (Family and close friends.) Most all of our games is just 'destroy the other team' and we did dabble in a CTF style 'capture the glyph' game many years ago that was fun.

This past weekend, we played a game on this map:

Twin Peaks - 6 RotV, 4 RttFF

While we were drafting armies, I threw a glyph in the middle of the bridge and stated if anyone ended their turn on the glyph, it reduced all range to 1 (special and normal) and negated all flying for all figures on the map. I figured was just something fun to mix it up and everyone was like: "Ok. Let's try it." Well, little did I know that it actually made the game very enjoyable. Knowing when to 'make the break' to run away, or when to make a mad dash onto the glyph was very fundamental to our play session. We had the Imperium, as well as Memring and Su-Bak-Na on the field... so watching them lose flight was fun. It was awesome to see flying small and medium characters get 'stuck' on the two hill areas, because if they jumped down (due to lost of flight) they would risk fall damage. So, it was either wait till the glyph was unoccupied, or risk taking the long way down and hope that nobody enabled ranged before they made it to where they were going and had the higher ground on the bridge as they made it to the bottom.

That got me thinking: What are some of your favorite 'house rules' or scenarios that you guys play that you enjoy? I'm not very good at making scenarios so I'd like to get a feel for what some of you do and maybe help incorporate it into some of our play sessions. We don't use tournament maps or anything like that. All of our sessions are casual and usually on larger maps.

Visit the SHS Map Codex!
(Codex downloadable into a spreadsheet for easy self-sorting)
Note to self: One ladder for every TWO levels!!!!!!
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