Thread: Customs by Wiet
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Old November 12th, 2007, 01:15 PM
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Wiet Wiet is offline
Join Date: October 20, 2007
Location: * Netherlands - Tilburg
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Wiet is surprisingly tart
I like the rewording you propose for Frostmane, hi1! More official sounding indeed. I'll put up a new version soon. Also, I like the idea of 2 automatic shields, it makes the ability more interesting and more balanced. Didn't think of it myself 'cause I envisioned someone who's frozen shattering into little frozen pieces when hit. But that obviously depends on the degree of freezing. If Frostmane puts a figure in a huge ice-crust, that ice would protect the figure inside to a certain degree for sure! Gonna put that into the new version also.

So I guess.. thanks!

EDIT: uploaded new version of Frostmane with rewording by hi1. Didn't make the Freeze-roll lower though. I felt like 15+, or in other words a 1 in 3 chance, is still about right...
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