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Old January 21st, 2009, 12:51 PM
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Adrian Monk
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Re: Cookie Cutter Army Discussion and Tiers

Just a quick question for you:

You imply that the core of Ranged Vydar army includes Q9, Raelin, KMA, and Laglor. Then basically all other Vydar armies go to Tier 2, under the non-KMA armies, at least, as I read your groupings.

Where would you put other variations of the Q9/Raelin army, ones without KMA and Laglor? Such as the Q9/Raelin/Microcorp/Deathreavers army. Is that Tier 2, in your opinion?

Or is there a Tier 1, Q9/Raelin core army as well--in your view?

(Or did I just miss this in all the other armies listed?)

[EDIT: Just noticed that your A+ Junk army kind of fits this, since it is Q9, Rae, and Reavers--the question is that I've seen some great armies that play with this, adding in Q10, Microcorp, Nilf, Kaemon, Cyprien, etc. Many are A units, so it could just be an "A Junk amry" I suppose, but I think the Microcorp are a bit lower and my question is where do you believe is a Q9/Rae and/or Reaver core? If so, where do you put it? Just curious.]

BTW, to your other question, about missing armies or lowering armies, I'd say your "Don't believe the hype" takes up the slack pretty well. And, as you say, the Tier 2 armies have strong potential but also big holes, so it will always be hard to decide to move these around. Tier 2 is huge, but appropriately so--as you have said with Reavers or Raelin, lots of good units gain enough umph to be competitive at least some times.

Anyhow just my thoughts.

Last edited by 1Mmirg; January 21st, 2009 at 01:27 PM.
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