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Old April 21st, 2007, 12:10 AM
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The Book of Zombies of Morindan

The Book of Zombies of Morindan

Dawn of Darkness - Collection 6 - Zombie Horde

Character Bio: "Eck tel le sendar, ret kal len condaaaaar!" An evil incantation resonates through the caverns of Morindan. The flickering flame of a hanging lantern throws eerie shadows dancing against the damp stone walls. A frail old shaman, bearing a cloak of dark and tattered feathers, chants in a wraithlike voice. His eyes flutter in the back of his head as he sprinkles the inanimate body laid at his feet with a crimson fluid. Perched in a barren tree outside the cavernıs entrance is an aged raven. He cocks his head inquisitively as the peculiar speech of the shaman echoes from the caveıs opening. Then a new sound is heard: the raven releases a frightened croak as it leaps into the air. An empty moan rings out through the barren valley of Morindan, a foreboding sound, a black prophecy of impending doom. The dead live again! (Hasbro)

Originally Posted by special powers
You may move up to 6 Zombies of Morindan that you control each turn. However, you may attack with only 3 Zombies of Morindan. You may attack with any 3 Zombies of Morindan, even Zombies of Morindan that you did not move this turn.

Range 1. Attack 6.
Three Zombies of Morindan on the same level may combine their attacks and roll their attack dice as one attack. All Zombies of Morindan in the attack must be engaged to the targeted figure.

If a Zombie of Moridan that you control destroys an opponent’s small or medium figure, replace that figure immediately, if possible, with one of your own previously destroyed Zombies of Morindan. Newly placed Zombies of Morindan cannot attack this turn. Undead are not affected by Zombies Rise Again.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • - N/A
-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
  • - N/A

Synergy Benefits Offered
  • - N/A

C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-

Strategy Notes:
  • - When using the Zombies, you have to think about moving & attacking in a new way- in a “horde” mindset. With the Zombies, you aren’t bound by normal movement rules. If you have a few Zombies locked in melee combat, you can move 6 other Zombies up for back-ups in case the engaged Zombies are destroyed, while still attacking with the engaged Zombies. However, unless you are going to use the Zombies you moved in an attack either this turn, or next turn (getting them ready for the Onslaught Special Attack), keep them out of melee combat, so you can lose as little Zombies as possible. This ability helps them to offset their base move of 4. (Hasbro FAQ)

    - Also new to the Zombie squad (and something you may see in the near future again) is the ability to bring a destroyed figure back into the battle without the use of the glyph of Sturla (revive). Whenever a Zombie destroys an opponent’s small or medium figure, you can bring one of your other Zombies that was previously destroyed back into the battle. That’s right! When you lose Zombies, it’s not the end! It’s only the beginning of the FUN! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been down to just a few Zombies and rolled some really lucky attack rolls. Suddenly, I was a threat to my opponents again! Just remember to draft as many Zombies as possible. When they start to fall, you’ll want backup Zombies ready to bring them back! (Hasbro FAQ)

Who else could I draft with the Zombies of Morindan?
  • - Morsbane
    Think about it. Your ranged figures can’t fire into the Nakita Agent’s smoke powder because your opponent is rolling his d20 particularly well today. And each time you try and move a Zombie adjacent to an Agent, Engagement Strike destroys the Zombie! What is a player to do?! Bring in Morsbane! Hopefully, after only a few attempts, you can negate the Nakita Agent’s special powers (or any strong Unique Squad figures for that matter) and make them just a plain old expensive snack for the Zombies to destroy & use Zombies Rise Again to beef up their numbers! (Hasbro FAQ)

    - Deathwalker 8000
    Deathwalker 8000 is a fun addition to any Zombie army! Keep him back while the Zombies advance and fire on any particularly strong Heroes that are in the way. Keep firing with his Rapid Fire Special Attack until the Hero is down to 1-2 life. Then leave the Hero alone until the Zombies can catch up to it and destroy it in order to use Zombies Rise Again. It’s always fun to see an opponent’s figure running away from a horde of Zombies. (Hasbro FAQ)

    - Dünd
    Hmm. I was going to add Agent Carr to the mix here, but Dund is a better addition to a Zombie army. I don’t see Dund used often, so I’ll have to write a tip sheet on him soon. He’s a LOT of fun to play with especially against a bonding army, or an opponent that relies on one character at a time. But more on Dund later on his tip sheet. Move Dund up along with the Zombies for support. During the first turn of each round, attempt to use Crippling Gaze on any opponent’s small or medium figures that are near the Zombies. By removing the order markers on those figures, you have given the Zombies a few free turns to destroy a helpless opponent. Very Zombie-like! (Hasbro FAQ)

Who do the Zombies of Morindan work well against?
  • - Blade Gruts / Arrow Gruts

    Armies that bond are tough to take down quickly. The Beast & Orc Champion bonding armies are probably the toughest ones we have revealed so far. In order to quell the onslaught of these bonded armies, you have to stop the source of the bond, which is the squads that call their larger Heroes. Normally, the bonded Heroes will target the stronger of your army, with the Squads taking up the rear. If you can get some of your Zombies past the Hero, take the Squad figures on in melee combat. Not only will you be able to bring back any Zombies that you have lost when you destroy those squad figures, you will also cripple your opponent’s army. *Don’t forget! When you destroy the last figure on an Army card that bonds with another figure and it still has order markers on it, your opponent can’t take those turns that the order markers denote. That INCLUDES taking the free turn with the bonded Hero! (Hasbro FAQ)

    - Rise of the Valkyrie’s Sgt. Drake Alexander
    That’s right, Sgt. Drake Alexander has a nemesis. And his nemesis likes brains! Because of Drake’s Thorian Speed, you have to get adjacent to him in order to attack him. By using the Zombie’s Onslaught Special Attack, you can quickly reduce Drake’s life and help your previously destroyed Zombies Rise Again! (Hasbro FAQ)

-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Ranking
Zombies of Morindan- Still an enigma as to their value, Zombies can certainly crush or be crushed by an opponent. B

Master Index
Pre-release Speculation
General Assessment
Belong in Heroscape?
Belong in Heroscape? (2)
Placement at the beginning of the game?
Hit zone
Onslaught and Zombies Rise Again
Horde Movement Clarified
Any good?
Horde Movement Clarified (2)
Scoring on Zombies
What Happens to Zombified Units?
Vs. Counterstrike
How Many?
Sculpt Poll

Unit Strategy Review
Unit Strategy Review: Zombies of Morindan

Last edited by R˙chean; April 11th, 2015 at 01:46 PM. Reason: VC custom synergy added
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