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Old August 5th, 2012, 10:16 PM
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Sheep Sheep is offline
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Re: NEW!!! HS2010'S Map Thread! Mitonsoul's Dungeon added 8/

We just played a match on this. The armies were:

210 Charos
390 GWs x3
500 Airborne Elite


120 Grimnak
320 Blade Gruts x5
500 Feral Trolls x2
500pts/26hex, drop 2 gruts

The game came down to Charos vs. 6-7 Gruts, Grimnak, and a Feral Troll (one had only recently died). I was able to take out all the Gruts and Grimnak and had 6 wounds going into battle with an unwounded Troll. I was able to get first strike before the round ended for a couple wounds from the Rock height. I lost initiative but the Feral Troll rolled 1 skull on his attack of 6. I then rolled 0 shields to put me at 7 wounds. At the end, a counterstrike then an attack ended up killing the big troll.

EDIT: Playing two near completely all melee armies with huge hero bonding made the side of the outcrop with the glyph become very clustered. I feel it needs something to pull heroes and their bonding squads to the opposite side of the outcrop. Maybe a T-Glyph in the middle shadow hex would do the trick. Then armies with Knights would have a Huiman Champion be able to take the T-Glyph and since most Human Champions have an aura that would benefit the Knights, would then pull some of the Knights with the Champion instead of all going to the Defense glyph. But then it would sit there in games like this because neither army had a single-spaced hero. I'm sure this isn't that big of a deal as playing Melee vs. Melee in a tourney isn't too often.

EDIT 2: I'm also not sold on the Glyph of Garda. Since this is a map of dungeon, specific figures recieve benefits and all small, medium, and (not sure about) large figures can add one to their defense while on a shadow space. However, since it is a lava map, defense is good so that not every figure has died at the end of round 4. A glyph like move +2 is unneccassary in such a small area. And so is wound since your figure is on a glyph on lava. Suggestions?

Last edited by Sheep; August 5th, 2012 at 10:33 PM.
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