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Old July 9th, 2007, 09:30 AM
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ariealaviator ariealaviator is offline
Join Date: November 3, 2006
Location: PA - Manheim
Posts: 638
ariealaviator is a puppet of Ne-Gok-Sa
In the vastness of the plains many villagers have come under attack from Utgars armies. They have no defence against such attacks because all of Einars armies are entering large defended cities and leaving the small villages ungaurded. A small force of villlagers and farmers have taken up arms and are preparing for a guerrilla war against Utgars forces. One of their hiding places has been discovered by reavers and now they must fight a few nearby troops that heard the call and arrived to kill them.

Battle 7: Kozuke samurai, Izumi samurai vs Deathwalker 9000, Zettains, Shades, Deathreavers

Round 1: Utgar(4), Einar(2)

Deathwalker advances and fires on a Kozuke but misses. The Kozuke storm out of the house, surround and kill him.

Zettains fire and kill a Samurai.

Kozuke engage both zettains but fail to kill either.

Shades move to help out the zettains but one falls from counterstrike.

Izumi charge out of the house and attack a rat but fail to kill it as it scatters away.

Round 2: Utgar(14), Einar(11)

Zettains manage to kill a Kozuke but the other falls from counterstrike.

The last Kozuke finishes the other zettain.

Izumi kill a shade.

The final shade gets counterstruck.

With only 1 attack a similar fate awaits the rats who retreat and live to scout another day.

Now that the underground resistance has been discovered the warriors look for a safer place for their base of operations. Little do they know Runa has dispatched a certain someone to find their base that they did not expect.

It's back and stronger than ever. Check out my Einar vs. Utgar Chapter 2
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