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Old November 15th, 2020, 03:54 PM
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NecroBlade NecroBlade is offline
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Re: SuperHeroScape™: Wave IV! Carnage & MODOK 11/1

Alright, with election week behind us, I should probably do some catching up. In addition to the usual 2 units, I'll throw in...

...Giant-Man! No longer a mystery what Ant-Man's Pym Particles can do. Each card can stand alone for 130 or 180 points, or for a grand total of 195 you can field the flexibility of switching between the two. Giant-Man brings a melee powerhouse to the equation. Between Giant Reach and Giant Swat, he has a lot of control over who he's engaging. Towering Presence makes him a bit tougher and punchier than usual.

Mystique lives up to her Tricky nature by timing her shapeshifting reveal at the worst moment for the opponent. She can replace a figure (possibly stealing a glyph) and place it within 7 spaces, possibly into a disadvantageous engagement or unfavorable terrain. Her second power continues to mimic her first once she's on the board by making it impossible for an opponent to tell if she's the right figure to shoot at.

Finally, Professor X brings the whole OG X-Men team together (yet another reason I had to make hard choices about excluding some of my favorite units from this wave and thus the first 50). He slices, he dices, he does it all... except have good stats. Telepathic Orders gives you complete OM flexibility, or alternatively bonding between Professor X and another Mutant. Mental Stun can eliminate a threat for a whole round, but with 4 Move and again weak stats, you better hope it hits. Of course, not needing clear sight can help. Telepathic Control doesn't need LoS, either, and can give you yet another turn. Just be sure to surround Professor X with enough other Telepaths to maximize his rolls.

Fun fact: Wave IV includes the four cheapest Heroes to date. Including running both Hanks at the same time, this was comes in 1300 points cheaper than the Master Set!

That leaves just 3 cards to complete the first 50. I'll share them all next week.

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