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Old January 18th, 2019, 05:59 PM
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Re: The Book of Thanos (Infinity Quest) - Initial Playtestin

- Theme Test - Definite Pass - He feels just like the character from Infinity War - gaining godlike powers from each Stone, and questing to get them all so he can perform his snap, which is the single most deadly ability in the game, as it deserves to be. Love him.
- Mirror Test - Pass, though that would make for one bloody weird game...
- Bonding Test - Pass - As an Event Hero, he doesn’t even synergise with the Arthrians - no synergy here. Hopefully this will change with the Black Order and the Chitauri, but we can worry about that when we get to them.
- Synergies Test - Pass - see above.
- Power Check - Pass - Obviously, the gems end up giving him godlike power once he’s got the best of them, and he does have an ability that has a 50% chance of auto-killing anyone not immune to auto-death, but he’s priced fairly for all of that - he’s a one man army, but, as testified by three losses, beatable.
- Fun Test - Definite Pass - Oh, my god, yes! Collecting the Infinity Stones, unleashing their power individually and then snapping your fingers before rolling the D20 against everyone on the field to see if their among the 50% wiped out is an absolute blast. I’m really happy with him.
- Fun Competitive Test - Definite Pass - He feels fun to play against. There’s a certain desperation to fighting him, and everyone who faces him feels outmatched individually, but it’s not impossible to fight him if your whole army works together to do it - one place this design plays fast and loose with the theme is not imparting quite the sense of hopelessness to his opponent that his film counterpart does (can’t speak to the comic version, but I can’t imagine it being much different), but that wouldn’t be fun, and he’s still appropriately terrifying.
- Drafting Test - Pass - Obviously, not too often, he is 1,200 points after all, but I can definitely see myself bringing this guy out quite a bit, and for big, special occassion, epic-level event games? Oh my.
- Usage Test - Tentative Pass - For an Infinity Stone, the Mind Stone is... kind of wimpy, but we can’t do anything about that now and all the other Infinity Stones and all his powers got regular use.
- Strategy Test - Pass - This guy dictates the strategy of the whole game - between all players deciding which Stone to place and where when they get their chance, to Thanos trying to hunt them down to the best of his ability while everyone else tries to keep them from him, to actually making use of the Infinity Stones, both with Thanos himself and when an opponent manages to pick one up and try to use it against him, to the impact of the fact that his first death will straight up end the round, meaning that OMs get to be replaced, initiative is rolled again, and, if early enough, oh, look, there’s another Infinity Stone popped up... pretty bloody strategic.

Name Of The Playtest Unit: Thanos (Infinity Quest)

Army Test 1
Map: Sirocco (no glyphs)
Thanos (Infinity Quest) (1,200 points)

Star-Lord, Gamora, Nebula, Rocket Raccoon (vI), Hawkgirl (1,200 points)

Spoiler Alert!

Army Test 2
Conflict Chernobyl (no glyphs)
Thanos (Infinity Quest), Lizard, Black Cat, Shadow Thief (1,605 Points)

Iron Man (Avengers), Captain America (C3G), Drax (vI), Adam Warlock, Luke Cage, Swordsman (1,610 Points)

Spoiler Alert!

Army Test 3
Map: Aurora (no glyphs)
Thanos (Infinity Quest), Adam Warlock, Orange Lantern (Lex Luthor), 1x Orange Construct (Stolen Identity) (2,050 Points)

Odin, Thor, Baldr, 3x Asgardian Warriors, 1x Skrull Infiltrator (2,050 Points)

Spoiler Alert!

Final Thoughts On The Tested Unit:

I am ridiculously happy with how this guy’s turned out. Oddly, when originally designing him, I was expecting that the Snap would be the final goal of the whole game, that it would be far from a guarantee that you’d manage to pull it off, but if you do, you’ve probably won - after three games where Thanos managed a Snap but then lost, that’s clearly not the case, but he plays so well that I don’t care - it’s fun, it’s thematic and it’s really exciting and evocative to play.
I’m thinking about a boost to his survivabilty, as three losses for anyone feels a bit concerning, especially someone thematically this unbeatable, but apart from that, there’s nothing I’d want to change.

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