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Old July 3rd, 2018, 02:44 PM
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Re: The Book of Torquemada (Public Playtests)

- Theme Test - Inconclusive - I don't know the character, but based on what I've gleaned from Tornado, he seems perfect.
- Mirror Test - Pass, though it could be amusing to see Torquemada possess the corpse of Torquemada.
- Bonding Test - Pass - He only bonds through My Terminators Are Watching! - it's conditional enough and none of his bonding options are broken.
- Synergies Test - Pass - Pure Vigilance! and My Terminators Are Watching! are great fun and pretty damn strong, but not OP, and it's cool to see someone who encourages you taking squads through means other than synergy with a specific squad. I will say, though, that we need more Fanatical Human Heroes now that this guy exists - Solomon Kane, cool as he is and as much fun as he is to pair with Torq, will get stale eventually if he's the only available hero (aside from Meggan, who doesn't really count because her whole gimmick is having all the synergies, and Reverend Stryker who can't fight anyway).
- Power Check - Pass - He's strong and he's scary, but he never felt unstoppable.
- Fun Test - Definite Pass - He's tonnes of fun to play with the interplay between his three powers, and Four Faces of Torquemada is ridiculously cool - this may just be me, but I've always liked villains who can cheat death, like Doctor Doom and Thanos - always serves to make them feel intimidating and diabolical, and Torquemada does it with style!
- Fun Competitive Test - Definite Pass - See power check. Also, it's really great to see someone else with this sort of ‘dies easily, but comes back easily and needs to be constantly swatted away' kind of survivability. The only other figure I can think of like this is Grundy, only he's still very different in that his resurrection is random while Torq's can be planned for, apart from the first time he doesn't become progressively weaker and he's a heavy hitter rather than a leader.
- Drafting Test - Pass, in a decent variety of builds as well - he's already served me well with HYDRA and The Foot Clan, and I know he works well with Civvies.
- Usage Test - Pass - All of his powers got a decent amount of use. Oddly enough, the power to get the least use each time was My Terminators Are Watching!, his bonding power - though, in all honesty, I expect that was more the style of armies I chose to play him in than the power itself.
- Strategy Test - Pass - He’s fascinating from a strategic point of view. The concerns about him not being worth targeting until last due to Four Faces of Torquemada are ill founded - you often can’t afford to leave him alone, and by killing him you can easily disrupt your opponent and leave Torq weaker for the next time he comes back, making him ever easier to dispatch until at last he’s killed utterly. When and where to bring him back is an interesting tactical problem too - sometimes you don’t want to bring him back yet in order to avoid making him vulnerable or bringing him back in a poor position, other times you’ll be willing to execute your own men to allow him to posess their corpses. Then there’s all the strategy surrounding Pure Vigilance! and My Terminators Are Watching! - he’s a really, really awesome card.

Name Of The Playtest Unit: Torquemada

Army Test 1
Map: Jotun’s Gap by Dignan (no glyphs)
Torquemada, Red Skull (C3G), Solomon Kane, Meggan, Penguin (vII), 3x HYDRA Agents, 2x Skrull Infiltrators (1,200 points)

Captain America (C3G), Bucky, Deadpool, Cable, Luke Cage, Jewel (1,200 points)

Spoiler Alert!

Army Test 2
Map: Conflict Chernobyl (no glyphs)
Torquemada, Shredder, Karai, Solomon Kane, Oracle, 3x Hand Ninja, 3x Skrull Infiltrators (1,200 Points)

Professor X, Cyclops, Beast, Storm, Wolverine, Angel (Warren Worthington III) (1,200 Points)
Spoiler Alert!

Final Thoughts On The Tested Unit:

I really, really like this guy, and I’m excited about adding him to my collection (almost certainly with Solomon in tow). I’m also quite excited by the possibility of some Terminators of Termight to fight alongside him down the line, that sounds cool. Great job here, @Tornado ! Looking forward to seeing 2000AD expand again - I'd love to see it become a significant corner of C3G. I might not know it personally, but it feels really cool, interesting and most of all different.

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