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Seishin vs. Knights & 4th Mass.

Posted November 3rd, 2019 at 04:20 AM by Astroking112
Updated November 23rd, 2019 at 03:42 AM by Astroking112
Ticallan Tower by Sir Heroscape
Glyphs: Valda (Move +2), Dagmar (Initiative +8 )
Leo: Raelin, Seishin Samurai x2, 5x Tagawa Samurai Archers (455)
Astro: 2x Knights of Weston, Sir Gilbert, 3x 4th Massachusetts Line (455)

Surviving Units:
Sir Gilbert (3 wounds), 3x Knights of Weston, 5x 4th Massachusetts Line
~190 Points

Game Summary:
Leo won initiative and grabbed Valda, but the knights managed to overpower his advancing archers thanks to Gilbert’s movement boost. A Seishin kept Valda, letting him take advantage of it for the rest of the round. TSA kept reinforcing the area and another Seishin replaced Valda when it fell, bottlenecking the knights as Raelin flew in for backup. I worked the 4th Massachusetts Line up and took some potshots at Raelin to try and free up the area, then Wait Then Fired at her again to leave her with 1 life remaining.

The knights and samurai then met around this chokepoint as Leo moved in a TSA to engage the 4th Mass shooting at Raelin and eventually replaced it with a Seishin to keep them occupied. They eventually managed to kill Raelin anyway, but the Seishin were still gumming up the works quite a bit. They were left in a somewhat subpar position, though, and I opted to continue shooting the TSA from afar rather than killing the Seishin to deprive Leo of opportunities to revive them.

Once the Seishin were in a slightly suboptimal position, I was able to ignore them with my 4th Mass. to focus on the TSA. This continued until I wore them down, then I finished off the Seishin with my few remaining knights for the win.

Some Statistics
Spoiler Alert!

Power Usage:
A total of 5 Seishin were spawned.
They got one OM, which activated both and dealt 2 wounds to Sir Gilbert.
They dealt 1 wound to Gilbert with CS while protecting Valda.

They were quite good. A price of 35 points does feel justified here.

I think that I would've lost if Leo had taken a third Seishin Samurai or if I had not taken a lot of 4th Massachusetts Line. The Knights of Weston simply had no viable way to reach Raelin, especially with the TSA boosted by Valda and able to reinforce the chokepoint faster than they could kill all of the figures.

It does seem like the Seishin still lose against range (thankfully), but overall I think that these two Seishin provided a much greater value than 50 points is representative of thanks to Raelin. Bumping them up to 30 or 35 feels like a fairer estimate of their worth, even if the TSA aren't exactly top-tier with them.

Leo's Thoughts:
I overwhelmingly wanted more Seishin this game. There were many times where I wanted 3, and I think that 4 would have found use once or twice.

They’re like zombies crossed with knights (plus Counter Strike). I love the initial movement so much; I was able to disengage from a knight on my way to Valda and finish the movement with the Seishin to guarantee that I would make it to the glyph. Wave of Fear makes it occasionally viable to put an Order Marker for them, which is fitting for their points and how they enter the field (they shouldn’t always be viable).

I think that they’re perfect with how they are (in terms of stats and powers), but they might be worth a higher price because of how useful they are when used correctly. 40/45 would be too much.
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