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My First Blog Post (a.k.a. "Elegant" Armies)

Posted June 15th, 2008 at 03:38 AM by Jaz1597
Updated June 28th, 2008 at 02:19 PM by Jaz1597
So, I've been meaning to post to my blog for a while, now that I'm finally a Site Supporter (it only took me two years ). I've been wracking my brain to try and come up with a really insightful first post...

Well, it's Saturday night (technically Sunday morning), I can't sleep, and I've just spent the last three hours coming up with ideas for general-specific armies (along with really lame names for most of them). I figured here would be the best place to post them. You'll notice I'm a big fan of themed or synergistic armies. I guess that's just who I am.

DISCLAIMER: I have not tried all of these armies. Some of them are just meant to be funny. I take no responsibility for those of you who decide to bring any of these to a tournament without play-testing them. Don't come crying to me when you lose.

Seriously though, I had fun coming up with these armies, and I hope one or two of you might have fun using some of them. Your thoughts, comments, suggestions, corrections and snide remarks are most welcome. I'm always looking to make improvements.

Respectfully yours,

PS...Stay tuned. My next blog entry will most likely be my take on the current state of the music industry (as a starving artist, I feel the need to impart some "wisdom").

Now, without further ado:


Dragon Along: - 600 pts.
Sir Gilbert - 105 pts.
Nilfheim - 185 pts.
Tarn Viking Warriors - 50 pts.
Knights of Weston x2 - 140 pts.
Templar Cavalry x1 - 120 pts.

Hot Summer Knights: - 600 pts.
Sir Dupuis - 150 pts.
Knights Of Weston x2 - 140 pts.
Templar Cavalry x2 - 240 pts.
4th Massachusetts Line x1 - 70 pts.

Heart And Soulborgs: - 500 pts.
Zetacron - 60 pts.
Omnicron Snipers x2 - 200 pts.
Sir Denrick - 100 pts.
Knights Of Weston x2 - 140 pts.

Chewy Champions: - 500 pts.
Alastair MacDirk - 110 pts.
Eldgrim The Viking Champion - 30 pts.
Thorgrim The Viking Champion - 80 pts.
Tarn Viking Warriors - 50 pts.
MacDirk Warriors x2 - 160 pts.
4th Massachusetts Line x1 - 70 pts.

Viciously Valiant: - 500 pts.
Concan The Kyrie Warrior - 80 pts.
Eldgrim The Viking Champion - 30 pts.
Sentinals Of Jandar - 110 pts.
Knights Of Weston x2 - 140 pts.
4th Massachusetts Line x2 - 140 pts.


The Name’s Bond: - 500 pts.
Tornak - 100 pts.
Krug - 120 pts.
Swog Rider x2 - 50 pts.
Arrow Gruts x2 - 80 pts.
Blade Gruts x2 - 80 pts.
Heavy Gruts x1 - 70 pts.

Where’s The Swog?: - 500 pts.
Ornak - 100 pts.
Grimnak - 120 pts.
Nerak The Glacian Swog Rider - 50 pts.
Arrow Gruts x2 - 80 pts.
Blade Gruts x2 - 80 pts.
Heavy Gruts x1 - 70 pts.

The Sun Will Come Out To Marro: - 600 pts.
Tor-Kul-Na - 220 pts.
Su-Bak-Na -160 pts.
Marro Warriors - 50 pts.
Marro Drudge x1 - 50 pts.
Marrden Nagrubs x1 - 30 pts.
Marrden Hounds x1 - 90 pts.

The Beastly Marro: - 495 pts.
Wo-Sa-Ga - 135 pts.
Marrden Nagrubs x3 - 90 pts.
Marro Stingers x2 - 120 pts.
Marro Drones x3 - 150 pts.

Warlords Unite: - 500 pts.
Ne-Gok-Sa - 90 pts.
Me-Burq-Sa - 50 pts.
Marro Warriors - 50 pts.
Marro Drudge - 50 pts.
Grok Riders x2 - 260 pts.

The Warden And His Wolves: - 500 pts.
Khosumet The Darklord - 75 pts.
Warden 816 - 90 pts.
Dumutef Guard x1 - 25 pts.
Anubian Wolves x2 - 150 pts.
Wolves Of Badru x2 - 160 pts.

Oh, The Horror!: - 600 pts.
Cyprien Esenwein - 150 pts.
Sonya Esenwein - 45 pts.
Iskra Esenwein - 50 pts.
Dumutef Guard x1 - 25 pts.
Rechets Of Bogdan - 50 pts.
Shades Of Bleakewoode x1 - 100 pts.
Zombies Of Morindan x3 - 180 pts.
*Note – remove Shades Of Bleakewoode in 500-point scenarios.

Guard Yourself: - 500 pts.
Warden 816 - 90 pts.
Deathwalker 9000 - 140 pts.
Marcu Esenwein - 20 pts.
Zettian Guards - 70 pts.
Deathreavers x2 - 80 pts.
Deathstalkers x1 - 100 pts.


Shogun Make You Cry: - 500 pts.
Kato Katsuro - 200 pts.
Kaemon Awa - 120 pts.
Kozuke Samurai - 100 pts.
Ashigaru Yari x2 - 80 pts.

Shogun Make You Cry Again: - 500 pts.
Kato Katsuro - 200 pts.
Kaemon Awa - 120 pts.
Izumi Samurai - 60 pts.
Ashigaru Harquebus x2 - 120 pts.

An Army Divided: - 500 pts.
Kato Katsuro - 200 pts.
Gurei-Oni - 100 pts.
Izumi Samurai - 60 pts.
Ashigaru Harquebus - 60 pts.
Ashigaru Yari x2 - 40 pts.

Samu-Right On Time: - 600 pts.
Kato Katsuro - 200 pts.
Kaemon Awa - 120 pts.
Tagawa Samurai - 120 pts.
Ashigaru Yari x1 - 40 pts.
Ashigaru Harquebus x2 - 120 pts.

You’ve Been Counterstruck: - 500 pts.
Kaemon Awa - 120 pts.
Izumi Samurai - 60 pts.
Gurei-Oni - 100 pts.
Tagawa Samurai Archers x2 - 130 pts.
Ashigaru Yari x1 - 40 pts.
Sacred Band x1 - 50 pts.

Got Ninja?: - 500 pts.
Hatamoto Taro - 130 pts.
Shiori - 60 pts.
Ninjas Of The Northern Wind - 110 pts.
Izumi Samurai - 60 pts.
Kozuke Samurai - 100 pts.
Ashigaru Yari x1 - 40 pts.

I Need Your Discipline: - 600 pts.
Zelrig - 185 pts.
Parmenio - 90 pts.
Marcus Decimus Gallus - 100 pts.
10th Regiment Of Foot - 75 pts.
Sacred Band x2 - 100 pts.
Roman Legionnaires - 50 pts.

On My Command, Unleash Hell: - 500 pts.
Spartacus - 200 pts.
Crixus - 90 pts.
Retiarus - 90 pts.
Izumi Samurai - 60 pts.
Ashigaru Harquebus - 60 pts.


Cute When Bitter: - 500 pts.
Sonlen - 160 pts.
Syvarris - 100 pts.
Arkmer - 50 pts.
Aubrien Archers x2 - 140 pts.
Warriors Of Ashra x1 - 50 pts.

One Order Marker To Rule Them All: - 600 pts.
Ulginesh - 150 pts.
Arkmer - 50 pts.
Jorhdawn - 100 pts.
Emiroon - 80 pts.
Acolarh - 110 pts.
Chardris - 90 pts.
Kyntela Gwyn - 20 pts.

Feeding Frenzy: - 500 pts.
Venoc Warlord - 120 pts.
Elite Onyx Vipers - 100 pts.
Venoc Vipers x2 - 80 pts.
Armoc Vipers x2 - 130 pts.
Aubrien Archers x1 - 70 pts.


Major Pain In The @$$: - 500 pts.
Major X17 - 100 pts.
Major Q9 - 180 pts.
Gladiatrons x2 - 160 pts.
Blastatrons x1 - 60 pts.

Agent Zero: - 500 pts.
Nakita Agents - 120 pts.
Krav Maga Agents - 100 pts.
Microcorp Agents x2 - 200 pts.
Gladiatrons x1 - 80 pts.

Apes-A-Poppin’: - 500 pts.
Agent Carr - 100 pts.
Krav Maga Agents - 100 pts.
Nakita Agents - 120 pts.
Gorillinators x2 - 180 pts.

Monkey See, Monkey Dünd: - 500 pts.
Laglor - 110 pts.
Dünd - 90 pts.
Nakita Agents - 120 pts.
Gorillinators x2 - 180 pts.
*I only just realized that Dünd is 110 points, so this army's out. It's too bad really...

Woo, Nelly!: - 495 pts.
Sujoah - 185 pts.
Master Win Chiu Woo - 140 pts.
Isamu - 10 pts.
Fyorlag Spiders x2 - 80 pts.
Shaolin Monks x1 - 80 pts.
*Note – Substitute Moriko for Isamu in 600-point scenarios.
Total Comments 6


rdhight's Avatar
My own taste runs more to multi-commons, but I do like Hearts and Soulborgs, Beastly Marro, and The Warden and His Wolves.
Posted June 15th, 2008 at 11:12 PM by rdhight rdhight is offline
Jaz1597's Avatar
The problem is I only have two sets of most common squads. I've been meaning to fix that...
Posted June 16th, 2008 at 12:30 PM by Jaz1597 Jaz1597 is offline
1Mmirg's Avatar
There are some really fun armies in there. I'll have to try a few out. Oh, the Horror and Beastly Marro stand out to me. It is fun to have quick pre-set thematic armies for a family game night. Thanks!
Posted June 24th, 2008 at 08:39 PM by 1Mmirg 1Mmirg is offline
Einar's puppy's Avatar
I like your Sparta army, though instead of Samurai you should have added romans. So what they're impossible to find, it still looks good on paper.
Posted August 24th, 2008 at 11:51 AM by Einar's puppy Einar's puppy is offline
Elven Lord's Avatar
I'm a newb as well, but I would like to be helpful and point out that bonding armies are best. So like your first army looks pretty good and I understand why you would add in the templar cavalry, but for serious just throw in another knights of Weston (KOW) squad and instead of the tarns just take the remaining 100 points and take Alastair or another squad KOW, so that at least they are a sturdy bonding army (sides Nilf)
Posted June 30th, 2009 at 02:35 PM by Elven Lord Elven Lord is offline
Jaz1597's Avatar
Elven Lord, most of these are more for fun than for serious play. But check out Dragon Along 2 in my second blog post and I think you'll find what you're looking for.
Posted July 9th, 2009 at 07:32 PM by Jaz1597 Jaz1597 is offline
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