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Scaper of the Month - August 2020

Posted September 3rd, 2020 at 10:09 AM by HS Codex

’Scaper of the Month
Matthias Maccabeus
Author: Ninja Status


Who are you really?
Ken Williams.

How old are you?

What is your occupation?
Social worker.

What’s the story behind your username?
My user name actually comes from the War of the Maccabees. It happened in the 2nd century BC. The Seleucid empire had taken over parts of Alexander the Great’s empire. Antiochus IV Epiphanes basically outlawed Jewish religious practices and customs. A priest by the name of Mattathias Maccabeus refused to worship the Greek gods and started the revolt against the Seleucid empire. He, and later his sons, reclaimed the temple that the Seleucid empire had desecrated. This is actually where Hanukah comes from. The story is told in 1 and 2 Maccabees found in the apocrypha in Catholic and Orthodox Bibles. I just shortened the name Mattathias to Matthias one time because Mattathias woudn’t fit on whatever I was trying (probably some video game) at the time. After that Matthias Maccabeus has been my name for pretty much everything.

What are other games you enjoy and why?
I’m a big Ameritrash player. My BGG account says I have over 500 games, but that’s pretty misleading because of all the expansions that come out for games. It’s a lot closer to 200 or 250, I suspect. Dragon Dice, LotR LCG, Pathfinder ACG, Descent, Joan of Arc, and Too Many Bones are probably my favorites overall along with Heroscape. I’ve played over 200 games of LotR LCG so far this year.

What other interests do you have?
Camping, hiking, advocating for foster kids.


When and how did you get into Heroscape?
Geez, I don’t exactly recall but I think I talked my mom into getting it for my birthday after I saw it at Target or Wal-Mart.

Favorite unit (official/custom):
I don’t play with customs. I’m not much of a “house rules” guy. Knights of Weston will always be my favorite, though the chain fighters are probably second.

Describe your favorite HeroScape moment.
There’s been some great ones, but one that really stands out, probably because it was fairly recent and I’m getting old, was for my birthday this year I built 10 maps and 20 pre-made armies and my buddies and their kids (I think there was 20ish of us) just played ’Scape for like 6 hours, rolling up a new army every round. I enjoyed watching the next generation totally digging ’Scape. I talked with my buddies later and they all said that on the way home their kids just talked about the games they played the whole time. To me that’s what ’Scaping is all about.

Is there anything you would change about the game (unit, rule, mechanic, etc.)?
Probably need to make Hatamoto cost around 200 or so points. I heard he won a main event a few years back.

What is your favorite aspect of HeroScape?
Hmm, great question. I really enjoy the prepainted minis, the maps, the simplistic but in-depth rule system ... but overall I think it’s because you never play the same game twice. Plus it works as a super casual game, but yet we can play it competitively.


Can you tell us how you’ve gotten to where you are now in the community?
I was involved in the BoV back in the day, did some playtesting for all the DnD units, and have been to Gen Con every year (that they’ve had it) since 2009. I also played in a lot of tourneys in the midwest back in the day and continue to make it to the Tree Town Open every year. I think the big take away for others is just continue to be involved and be a part of the community in whatever way you can and works best for you. And don’t be a jackwagon!

What do you enjoy most about Heroscapers.com?
It’s just regular dudes playing a game made for 8 year olds. I love how the game is still going strong 10 years post-cancellation. This is solely because of the community. I’ve also met some great people through the site like Raider30, lonewolf, EternalThanos86, and others that have turned out to be good friends of mine now.

What is one customs/community project you’ve stuck with through your time here?
There’s been a group of us running Gen Con events for Heroscape for the past 9ish years. It’s been a great experience over the years. The community is really amazing and helps us want to continue to do it year after year.

Is there any member of Heroscapers.com you’d really like to play against?
If I need an easy win, dok. Otherwise probably GameBear though he’s not around much these days. I always loved his maps. I’d love to throw a game down with spider_poison again though if I ever get a chance.

Three Truths And A Lie
  1. I have 6 kids.
  2. I met my wife when she was 14.
  3. I’ve never played Q9 or rats in a tournament game.
  4. I’ve been a foster parent for over 13 years.

Last Month’s Lie (OrcElfArmyOne)
  1. The Wii U (which is ridiculously cheap nowadays) is far better than the Nintendo Switch for its price.
  2. Empire Strikes Back is better than Rogue One.
  3. The Harry Potter movies butchered a great book franchise.
  4. There are a lot more good anime shows than good American television shows.


Favorite movie genre and movie:
Action. Either Aliens or Terminator 2.

Favorite book genre and book:
I only ever read the Bible and rule books. Favorite book of the Bible is Hebrews.

Favorite song genre and song:
Symphonic metal. It’s hard to pick a favorite. I really dig Within Temptation and Nightwish. Though I’ve been listening to Evolution by Dreamstate a lot lately. I’m also an old school Alice Cooper fan. But my all time favorite song is probably “Altered Life” by Living Sacrifice.


What message do you have for the ’Scaper community?
Step up and be a foster parent if you can. Kids need a place to feel safe! And God is bigger than COVID!

Whom do you pick for the next ’Scaper of the Month?
Raider30. He’s been a big part of the Gen Con planning team and a good buddy of mine.
Total Comments 1


Dad_Scaper's Avatar
Love it!

I think the lie is the 6 kids. I know it's a lot, but I don't think that's the right number. Miss you, buddy!
Posted September 5th, 2020 at 01:39 AM by Dad_Scaper Dad_Scaper is offline
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