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Scaper of the Week Interview #73 -- Ravenhale

Posted November 28th, 2011 at 02:17 PM by MegaSilver
Scaper of the Week Interview #73

It it time to meet the most powerful and feared man of all CoN. Even when things seem to go wrong, it is just all part of his plan. Who or what is the man behind the mask? Now you can find out...


-Scaper of the Week #73 -


Who are you?
Nobody that important. Certainly not a puppet. I suppose if you all think it's best for the group, I don't mind taking the vote. Go right ahead. I'm not that important. Mwuhahahaha. Huh? No, not a trick at all. Seriously.

Who, or what, is your avatar and how did you come up with your username?
She is the one that is destined to become Alice. Her desire to appease her creator was so strong that she was able to compete despite her broken body.

Ravenhale is the kingdom to an heir cursed with immortality. This man roams the realms in search of the peace that only death can provide.

I pretty much stopped keeping track when my daughter was born on my birthday ten years ago. I'll be forty when she turns seventeen.

Terrorizing CoN players. Oh, you mean what do I get paid to do. I work in the construction industry designing life safety systems.

Allegiance and why?
I am my own sovereignty and answer to none. Though I'd certainly pay taxes to hang out with Ullar. He has some saucy elf wenches.

When did you get into HeroScape and why?
Oh Yeah, I'm Here! got this game for Christmas '07 from the farm. Since then I have been his financial backer.

Favorite aspect of HeroScape and why?
These are collectible figurines. What's not to like?

Favorite Unique Hero and why?
Charos. Jotun is a close second but he couldn't pick up the dragon and toss him aside.

Favorite Uncommon Hero and why?

Favorite Common Hero and why
You know, back in my day, heroes were not very common. They usually had to be pretty unique and stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Favorite Unique Squad and why?
The Men In Black. They are an EOE.

Favorite Common Squad and why?
Zombies. Because they are zombies.

Favorite Custom Unit and why?
Zombie Raelin. All the abilities of Raelin after getting mangled by zombies. Never heard of it? Street rules, chum. Street rules.

Favorite Special Ability and why?
Tricking you folks into voting me out day one. Oh, you mean a unit ability for heroscape? What's with all the heroscape questions anyways? You'd think this was some site dedicated to it or something.

How about, thinking of multiple endings to an advanced game.

No dice, huh?


Yea, that works. Eat my shields since I can't roll skulls to save my life. Though I suppose rolling shileds does save my life.

Favorite Map and why?
Mystwars. They have maps. I make them.

Hatamoto Taro or Deathwalker 7000?
Peace. I heard that it is always an option.

Anything you'd change about the game - a unit, rule, or mechanic?
Discontinued. Heroscape should be like Monopoly. Always on the shelf with the latest splash of pop culture. I'm waiting for the American Idol Expansion Pack.

What do you enjoy most about Heroscapers.com?
That you're a puppet and I have you by the balls. Mwuhahahaha. Oh, you're not? Well, too bad, getting you voted out anyways to see who votes against you.

Favorite HeroScape moment:
Meeting LordRaidor should surpass your favorite HeroScape moment.

Another board game you enjoy and why?
I am going to go with Clue.

Three true things and one lie about yourself:
1. I am writing this instead of a novel.
2. I downloaded Google Chrome specifically to respond to this survey since IE on Win7 hates the WYSIWIG editor.
3. I had to redo my former #3 because it involved being accused of a crime and was supposed to be the obvious lie despite being true.
4. I just realized today that when I switched work computers again, I can use my WYSIWIG editor just fine.
5. I would make up a list of four truths just to see people try to guess which of the four was a lie.
6. Oh, I was supposed to stop at four. Nevermind #5 then. It's a total lie.

Other interests?
Writing. Music. Anime. CoN.

Five Fun Favorites

Favorite TV Show:
Any series made by CLAMP is good, though I heavily favor X and Chobits.

Favorite Movie Of All Time:
I haven't really seen a good movie in a long time. Nothing that "moved" me so to speak. Guess I'll have to go with Forrest Gump.

Favorite book:
I haven't read anything since my second year of college. I'm sure Tolkien and Narnia will get props but I'm going to say Susan Cooper's Dark is Rising series was important enough for me to remember.

Favorite sport:
CoN. You mean a physical sport? Baseball.

Favorite food:
Can't really say no to pizza.

How did you earn your title?
I did not earn it. This was simply a realization.

What is Mystwar?
A massive time commitment. By the way, if you don't move your butt off that hex, you are going down. You have an hour to send me that PM.

How did you become such a scary-good player at Curse of Ne-Gok-Sa (CoN)?
I'm absolutely terrible at it. Don't pay any attention to me during the next game, because I'm not going to do squat. Heh.

What do you enjoy most about CoN?
That everything works to my advantage except no-show voting.

Any Heroscapers member you'd really like to play against?
Someone I'd look forward to playing against? Not really. I don't go into games wanting to play against folks. Not good for the mindset.

What message do you have for the community?
Remember to vote. It's a right and a responsibility.

What Units would you like to see in the next Unit Debate?
Metric vs English.

Who do you pick for the next 'Scaper of the Week?
Einar's Puppy.
Total Comments 4


Heh, some really funny answers in there, especially this one:

What Units would you like to see in the next Unit Debate?
Metric vs English.

At any rate, the only one that's true is #1. I bet everything else is a lie.
Posted November 28th, 2011 at 04:26 PM by Warlord Alpha Warlord Alpha is offline
ZBeeblebrox's Avatar

That settles it, Ravenhale is crazy...that is why he is good at CoN.
Posted November 28th, 2011 at 04:37 PM by ZBeeblebrox ZBeeblebrox is offline
Ranior's Avatar
Crazy interview, fairly interesting overall. But yeah...doesn't make a lot of sense most of the time. Ah well.
Posted November 30th, 2011 at 02:43 PM by Ranior Ranior is offline
Shockma Ranyk's Avatar
What, you thought he was actually going to tell us anything of worth? Awesome interview.

Oh, and #6 is the lie.
Posted November 30th, 2011 at 08:36 PM by Shockma Ranyk Shockma Ranyk is offline
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