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I use this blog to record data for testing custom figures and sharing my thoughts on the design process before posting the results in my thread.

I don't plan to submit all customs that I'm recording data for into the SoV but I do plan to test any custom that I make thoroughly so that it is enjoyable for others that might want it for their table.
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Test 1/17/21 Wulfing Hunters

Posted January 18th, 2021 at 02:01 AM by Shiftrex
Test Subject:


LIFE = 1

MOVE = 6

After revealing an Order Marker on this Army Card and taking a turn with the Wulfing Hunters, if at least two Wulfing Hunters that you control are engaged, you may take 1 additional turn with an unengaged squad of Wulfing Hunters or an unengaged Hunter Hero.

While a Wulfing Hunter is not adjacent to any other figures it has no visible hitzones.

Map: Fossil (Wannok, Lodin)


110 Laglor
100 Marcus Decimus Gallus
180 20th Maine Volunteers x3
110 53rd North Carolina Sharpshooters x2
500, 15 hexes


50 Marro Warriors
95 Arktos
100 Himmelskralle
250 Hunters
500, 16 hexes


Attack rolls: 66 out of 136 (48.53%)
Defense rolls: 31 out of 99 (31.31%)
Total dice rolled: 235
Time used: 0h, 18m, 57s

Attack rolls: 53 out of 106 (50%)
Defense rolls: 33 out of 101 (32.67%)
Total dice rolled: 207
Time used: 0h, 37m, 10s


Win for Hunters against a ranged army where their peers at 50 points for a 2 man squad were present. Cleon was trying out some different VC figures and wanted to put together a fun ranged army that could nearly reach my start zone from the beginning of the game. Marrow Warriors lost an early shoot out on height to the 20th Maine that had Marcus boosting them and most of the battle rested on the Hunter's shoulders who were able to come up using their passive protection against range. The opponent responded by shoving one 20th maine down to engage so he could get proper shots with his pod around Marcus, Himmelskralle also went off this game killing 1 figure then stalling to take 4 wounds herself before going on a rampage and taking out 4 figures. Game came down to Arktos with 3 life and 1 Hunter vs Laglor who put up a good fight before going down.


Very fun game, even though I had a lot of protection from range with Stalker this game turned out to be more interactive that we originally thought it would due to the fact that parts of a squad could act as a screen while Marcus and Laglor did some good work in melee distance against the Wufling. They performed well offensively and even put up some good defense rolls but they eventually started trading which is always a losing battle with a 2 man squad.

Howl was used 6 times this game, I was able to group up around Marcus with the Howl and get 3 attacks of 4 on him which didn't bring him down but put 4 wounds on him. Himmel saw two of these activations, Arktos saw 2 and the other 2 were used with Hunters to develop or attack. Stalker came into play a lot because I spread out my units on the approach but then had to give up the protection to engage and start fighting when I got close enough to the ranged figures. Opponent tried to target or brought up the fact that he wanted to target a Wulfing that was isolated twice during the course of the game and had to give up an attack but otherwise Cleon played around it well enough. The ability makes a purely ranged army choose if they will set up a screen, if they will come to the Wulfing or if they will hold back and hope to hold a defense roll with height or to attack in melee range from height after the Wulfing approach.

I came to the conclusion at this interval (4th game tested on this version of the card) that the attack of 4 might not be necessary. It has been suggested by others and now that we finally have a winning game I can agree, especially seeing how I was able to find meaningful activations and conceptually 4 attacks of 4 on even ground can be devastating if I have the upper hand in the game already. Future testing will be done at 3 attack as testing goes on the downhill slope, we will be submitting to the SoV soon.

Test Subject:


LIFE = 1

MOVE = 6

After revealing an Order Marker on this Army Card and taking a turn with the Wulfing Hunters, if at least two Wulfing Hunters that you control are engaged, you may take 1 additional turn with an unengaged squad of Wulfing Hunters or an unengaged Hunter Hero.

While a Wulfing Hunter is not adjacent to any other figures it has no visible hitzones.

Map: Bad Moon Rising (Dagmar, Lodin)


225 Jotun
10 Bol
195 Dreadgul Raiders x3
70 Martial La Hire
500, 13 hexes


50 Marro Warriors
95 Arktos
20 Marcu
80 Raelin
250 Hunters
500, 17 hexes


Attack rolls: 66 out of 136 (48.53%)
Defense rolls: 31 out of 99 (31.31%)
Total dice rolled: 235
Time used: 0h, 18m, 57s

Attack rolls: 53 out of 106 (50%)
Defense rolls: 33 out of 101 (32.67%)
Total dice rolled: 207
Time used: 0h, 37m, 10s


I had the odd advantage of having more figures than my opponent this game because they brought Jotun instead of Valgaurd and Pel for some added fun, here I postured with Raelin and Marro for the first 2 Order Markers and then snuck a 3rd onto Marcu so I could fly to the Dagmar glyph and have it for most of the early game. Cleon felt pressured to rush down Raelin and Marro Warriors because they were going to pod up on level 3 for some shooting but he rushed in with Jotun and Raider to get some early damage on her. Raelin and the Marro wound up dying but because it was so close to might start zone I was able to move up with 2 hunters, howl and attack with four attacks of 3 on Jotun from various angles which brought him down quickly. Game was pretty close with Cleon conceeding while still controlling Bol (Martial went on a pretty good run) while I had 1 Marro Warrior and Arktos at full health left on the board.


I am glad that I lowered the attack number down to 3, with our powers on the card finally worked out there isn't a need for them to be throwing so many dice. They were able to punish a rush up to my start zone quite well though it should be noted that there were no enemy ranged figures in this game, if there were I would have been a mess without the ability to spread out and use Stalker. Four attacks of 3 is strong, even when attacking up but with the condition to activate it being in pitched combat and surviving long enough the reward came with enough risk. In order to get my Howl's on Jotun to bring him down my Hunter lived through 2 wild swings hitting 4 figures at a time, one with Raelin and one without while the Marros bit the dust.

Howl was used 6 times this game, it saw a lot of use early on with the initial rush and then when the first clash was over it went back to slow development of 2 man squads. I used Howl to activate hunters for the entire first wave so that I could fend off 3 raiders and their bonding hero. Then I switched to activating Arktos with the last few skirmishes where Martial managed to destroy my last 2 Wulfing and kill 2 order Markers. There was some positioning and fighting in the shadow before Arktos through a nasty 4 skulls into Martial who was already weakened and won the game. This is the first time the Wulfing have stood up to a bonding melee squad, though they did go against an option that was a bit more fun and I pressured with the other figures in my army.

I am going to stick with this draft, get some more testing and then submit unless something glaring and crazy comes up with testing. This build with the Wulfing was suggest by Dysole as a strong build for them and I definitely agree, their playstyle doesn't necessarily benefit from Himmelskralle more than it does from ranged support and Arktos.
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