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C3G Strategy - November 2018

Posted November 16th, 2018 at 04:12 AM by HS Codex
Updated November 16th, 2018 at 02:11 PM by HS Codex

C3G Strategy Guide
Jason Voorhees
By: Lazy Orang

Since a new C3G release has just dropped, bringing plenty of classic horror movie villains to the battle of all time, it’s time to piggy back on that and review C3G’s first slasher.

Analyzed Statistics

Left Box Breakdown
Species – Undead (can be activated by Dracula or Judge Death, or allow Judge Mortis to attack through Dark Judgement; provides a significant number of both immunities and weaknesses)
Uniqueness – Unique Hero
Class – Slasher (can be activated or resurrected by Pinhead, adds 3 to Chucky’s Child’s Play roll if Jason’s the one who triggered it, and can benefit from Sam’s Trick ’R Treat and Hallowed Tradition)
Personality – Relentless (no effect in C3G, but will allow him to bond with the Death Knights of Valkrill if playing mixed—and to benefit from Khosumet, for what little that’s worth)
Size/Height – Medium 5 (manoeuverable, can use ladders, and can be affected by a number of beneficial powers such as Carry, but also vulnerable to a number of enemy powers, like Graviton’s throws)

The benefits and weaknesses of being undead can be quite relevant in some matchups, but primarily the ability to use Dracula or Pinhead as a hub is the main factor of his left-hand stats. Judge Mortis and Chucky can also make good sidekicks for him.

Statistics Breakdown
Life – 6 (Tough)
Move – 4 (Slow)
Range – 1 (Melee)
Attack – 5 (Solid)
Defence – 0 (Pardon?)
Points – 175 (Low-to-mid level hero)

Let’s be frank here: that statline’s pretty dire. Five attack and six life are both decent, and there’s nothing wrong with being a melee hero, but 4 move is about as fast as mould and having literally no defence is beyond the pale. He’ll need some amazing powers to be worthwhile ... and, fortunately, he has them. In a bizarre way, his defence of 0 protects him from some of the anti-undead powers out there—abilities like Silver Weapons and Nth Metal Mace reduce undead figures’ defence, but if there’s no defence to reduce ...

Powers Breakdown

Ki Ki Ki, Ma Ma Ma”
After an opponent reveals a numbered Order Marker on an Army Card that opponent controls, you may immediately either:
  • move Jason Voorhees up to 2 spaces; or
  • if Jason is not in clear sight of any figure on that card, you may place Jason on any empty space within 5 spaces of his current placement.
Jason will take any leaving engagement attacks when moving with this special power.

Well, this nicely counteracts that move of four. Jason can advance implacably whenever an opponent takes a turn, and if he’s able to stay out of sight—say by hiding behind a ruin—he can effectively teleport. He can do this without ever taking a turn; this will be his main movement method.

Tactical Advantage – Extremely High

Unstoppable Resilience
If Jason would receive one or more wounds, ignore one of those wounds.

This power is pretty amazing too: it makes him effectively immune to leaving engagements and auto wounds (remember, it doesn’t just trigger on attacks—Magneto literally can’t hurt him by throwing him) and ignores one wound from each attack he’d receive, making him nicely resistant to small arms fire and, to a lesser degree, mid-level attacks too. It almost makes up for his lack of any defence ... almost. Remember, it ignores one wound at a time. A hail of gunfire he can resist. Mjolnir to the face? Not so much. It’s best to try to engage low-to-mid level figures, if possible, rather than the titans who can really hurt him.

Tactical Advantage – High

Relentless Assault 9
If an opponent’s figure ends its turn adjacent to Jason, you may roll the 20-sided die, subtracting 6 from the roll if the figure has Super Strength. If you roll 9 or higher, that figure receives 1 wound.

Another great power. This is a great way to passively damage opponents just by getting in their face and forcing them to deal with you. Really, between this and his first power, Jason works well played passively, and turns taken with him can generally be considered a bonus. Notably, though, between this and his style of defence he’s better harassing street-level characters, particularly those without super strength—he’ll do more good engaging Punisher than Superman. Not only that, but try to engage figures without any kind of Disengage ability—that way, whether they attempt to run or stay and fight, they’re opening themselves up to damage.

Tactical Advantage – High

Friday the 13th
At the end of the round, if Jason is destroyed, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 13 or higher, immediately place Jason on any empty space on the battlefield where he will not be in clear sight of any opponent’s figure and remove all Wound Markers from this card.

It’s a 40% chance of coming back at the end of each round. Between this and his first power, you’ll want to avoid playing him on a map without cover, but aside from that, it’s amazing.

Tactical Advantage – Extremely High

In Depth Analysis

For the purposes of this strategy article, I will be using a slight variation on Agatagary’s chess-based unit evaluation system; for those unfamiliar, it can be found in a previous article.

Though Jason could be considered a knight in value, his ability to come back means he can be treated as expendable, and can be thought of more as a bishop, or even a pawn.

Stalking Slasher
One thing to remember about Jason is that he loves maps with cover—not only is it necessary to resurrect him, thanks to his first power, it also makes him a lot faster. If you can move him behind, say, a ruin, it’s usually better than moving further forwards, as it means he can jump five spaces with his next “Ki Ki Ki, Ma Ma Ma” movement.

Getting into combat with Jason quickly is important, as is choosing your target. Heroes without super strength are the best targets to go for, since he’s much more likely to inflict wounds on them with Relentless Assault, but, in the end, the primary focus for choosing your target is whether they’re going to be actively taking a lot of turns or not. (Plus, figures with low-to-moderate attack values are best thanks to his defensive style.) Relentless Assault is only rolled for if the figure ends its own turn next to Jason, so getting Jason to engage a passive support figure generally won’t help much. Jason’s primary role is harassment—make sure he’s doing it effectively.

Remember also that Jason doesn’t need to take a turn to be effective. His ability to move for free and potentially hurt someone on their own turn means that he can be a pain in your opponent’s rear without ever being given a turn—he can effectively play himself. That’s not to say you shouldn’t take turns with him, though—not only do they give him a little extra burst of speed (if you can call a move of four speed ...), but an attack of five is nothing to sneeze at. He may be primarily effective for being able to act without explicit direction, but you’ll want to take the occasional turn with him to make the most out of him. Choose the right time for it, though—if you shark with him rather than making use of the rest of your army while he gets in your opponent’s face, you’re wasting the best part of him: his ability to act as an irritant and distraction. Attack with Jason himself only when it genuinely seems the best move to hurt the opponent most. For this reason, Jason tends to like being paired with order marker managers over other styles of leader, such as stat boosters, though there’s no reason he couldn’t work with them.

Distraction Machete!
Jason makes for excellent cannon fodder, for one very good reason—he comes back! If he’s killed early, he gets more chances to be resurrected. As such, he’s the perfect candidate to draw fire away from your other warriors who have a nasty habit of not getting up once their heads are blown off (the lazy bastards ...)—if he’s killed, it doesn’t matter that much. Used aggressively in this way, Jason is almost certain to die and come back at least once, if not twice (or more, in larger games), and any shots an opponent makes on him aren’t directed at someone who isn’t functionally immortal, allowing you freer reign to get into position and inflict lasting harm on an opponent, while they can’t do the same to on you.

In the end, though, the important thing here is that you have to make it so that your opponent can’t just ignore Jason—if they’re canny and they can ignore him, they will, as killing him late or last will generally mean they only have to kill him once, negating his ability to act as a damage sponge. Don’t let them. Remember the advice from the last section—use his free movement to harass them, box them in, take the occasional turn with him to underline in their mind that he’s a genuine threat who’s worth dealing with. Make sure to get into the face of any hero who wants to be active, or at least those without a Disengage ability—force the opponent to either take the time to swing away at Jason, potentially taking damage from Relentless Assault in the process, or to risk a leaving engagement attack from him.

If you can, force your opponent’s heroes into a trap where they’re in melee combat with Jason and one or more of your other figures, forcing them to take multiple leaving engagement attacks to leave combat with Jason and avoid Relentless Assault; even if it means exposing a less expendable hero, your opponent will then have to choose between tanking the leaving engagements, attacking your less expendable heroes, but taking hits from Jason’s Relentless Assault all the time, or attacking Jason to get rid of Relentless Assault even though he’s going to come back, taking blows until he’s killed. If you can get them into such a trap using expendable fodder such as Fire Ant Swarms, Civillians or Skrull Infiltrators, even better—no one’s really worth killing!

Even if you can’t trap an opponent in this way, just try to make Jason as much of a threat and frustration to them as possible. If he’s enough of an irritant, they may (wisely or not) make the decision to attack him just to give themselves a break from him even though he’ll come back, as though they’re swatting a fly. This, of course, gives your less expendable fighters breathing room.

Is It a Bird? Is It a Plane? No, It’s Jason!
Jason is a rare figure who is shockingly affected by whether knockback rules are in effect. As a figure who desperately wants to be in his opponent’s face and who has zero base defence, it actually hurts him massively—even figures with super strength and a low attack can knock him away, and figures with a high attack can send him flying into a different county. This can be remarkably frustrating.

The best solution is to prey on figures without super strength—after all, figures with super strength are resistant to Relentless Assault anyway: it’s common sense. However, if you really have to or want to go after someone with super strength, reverse what usually is deemed common sense: when possible, make sure that something (preferably terrain or a destructible object, ideally an opponent’s figure, or possibly a figure of your own if you’re in a pinch) is directly to Jason’s back. For most figures, this is a bad move if you can avoid it—if you get smashed into something, you and the thing you get smashed into take knockback damage. However, since Jason is literally immune to knockback damage, thanks to Unstoppable Resilience, it’s actually preferable by far for him to be punched into a wall than sent flying across an open space—it keeps him in the thick of the fight, where he can do some good (well, evil).

Slasher Support
I’ve said that Jason likes order marker managers, and there are three primary ones who work well with him—Baron Heinrich Zemo, Dracula, and Pinhead. Zemo is probably one of the better options, if only because he’s so broad—he can work with just about any hero, so you can fit in Jason to a fairly standard army this way. Dracula doesn’t really offer any more to Jason than Zemo, is more expensive and is more niche, but Jason is still an excellent choice when building a Dracula army. Pinhead is the best option, but admittedly the one with the tightest focus—working only with slashers and tormentors, Pinhead is a bit erratic, but can potentially allow you to take turns with multiple figures at a time. He can also resurrect Jason with Hellraiser, though it’s usually best not to and let Jason use Friday the 13th to come back; focus instead on bringing back other slashers with Pinhead. It’s a good backup plan in case there’s no space an opponent’s figure can’t see, though.

Another excellent pairing for Jason is Chucky, who can act as a sidekick of sorts. Chucky likes to be carried to the front lines through Barbie Mode, and, as Jason can move independently with his first power, even teleporting at times, he can bring Chucky with him. In doing so, he can use Chucky to help with trapping opponents’ figures as mentioned two sections ago—whether Chucky’s targetable or not at the time, this works well, especially as Chucky is a pain to kill for his cost. Finally, if Jason attacks someone and fails to kill them, Chucky gets to use Child’s Play against them—his roll is boosted as Jason’s a slasher, and even if you roll low and he would hurt Jason, Jason just ignores it with Unstoppable Resilience! The fact that Chucky can also be activated by Pinhead just makes the pairing better.

Closing Thoughts

Hopefully this article has been helpful, and has encouraged you to try this unstoppable stalker. Until next time, may the dice gods bless you with victory!
Total Comments 4


flameslayer93's Avatar
Happy post halloween!

Also, Death Knights being led by Jason sounds like the funnest idea. Just gotta pack enough DK’s to outlive the serial killer!
Posted November 16th, 2018 at 08:42 PM by flameslayer93 flameslayer93 is offline
Tornado's Avatar
C3G is not meant to be mixed with classic.
Posted November 16th, 2018 at 11:12 PM by Tornado Tornado is online now
flameslayer93's Avatar
It's more in the spirit of having fun more than the balance of it.
Posted November 17th, 2018 at 02:46 AM by flameslayer93 flameslayer93 is offline
Ronin's Avatar
Yeah, we don't playtest mixed, but the C3G SWAT Team probably won't come to your house and stop you from playing that way. Probably.

Cool article, LO!

I like to use Jason in conjunction with Doom (Sorcerer). Doom is a super OM hog, but Jason moves up for free alongside him. He's great at running interference for Doom, plus he can be a good target for the occasional Mystic Domination turn.
Posted November 18th, 2018 at 11:36 AM by Ronin Ronin is online now
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