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Scaper of the Month - September 2020

Posted September 29th, 2020 at 09:59 AM by HS Codex

’Scaper of the Month
Author: Ninja Status


Who are you really?

How old are you?
47 years old.

What is your occupation?
Law Enforcement.

What’s the story behind your username?
When I first got online with Xbox Live, I choose the name Raider30. Raider because I’m an Oakland ... (sigh) Las Vegas (sigh) ... Raiders fan and 30 because I was ... (sigh) 30 (sigh) ... at the time.

What are other games you enjoy and why?
Currently my last few games played have been Marvel Champions, Dawn of the Zeds, Dresden Files card game, Zombicide, HexPloreIt, ah: soooo many games to play.

What other interests do you have?
I enjoy reading, playing the occasional video game, exercising, and painting minis.


When and how did you get into Heroscape?
It was in the late fall of 2010. I had seen Heroscape a couple of years before, but, as my kids were only 6 at the time, I thought I’d wait. Fast forward to 2010 and they are at the recommended age but Heroscape is pretty rare in the wild. Had to order Swarm and D&D master sets from Amazon.

Then I found this website, posted on the “Nebraska Skirmish” thread to see if it would be possible for me to come and watch the tournament. Both stubobj and Matthias urged me to come and play even though I’d only ever played the basic cards with my kids. I figured what the heck and went to the tournament. I went 1 – 4, I believe. But I met Matthias and the Nebraska crew plus a bunch of other ’scapers. They were fantastic and there were some left over prizes on the table when everyone had left and they basically forced me to take them. I think it was about the equivalent of 3 boosters worth of stuff. The rest is history.

Favorite unit (official/custom):
Just one? I really like the Frost Giant. Though the Anubian Wolves would be a close second or even tied for first. Or maybe the Hounds, unless there’s a sunken start zone, then they are the worst.

Describe your favorite HeroScape moment.
There are many. I think it was my first GenCon and one of the first games I’d played. I think Tornado was my opponent and I had my Anubian Wolves and he was playing zombies and my recollection was that it was a jungle map. It was just an amazing looking battle seeing werewolves and zombies spread out and moving towards each other.

Also, these days my favorite moments are doing the “learn to play” events at GenCon. I really enjoy introducing people to Heroscape. It’s so great to have people sit down and then I find out they’ve got the game but have never played it and then after the learn to play they are so excited to go home and tear into it.

Also, during a learn-to-play event when an 8-year-old was just absolutely crushing his dad but then the dad managed to get Ne-Gok-Sa next to Mimring and mindshackled him! He screams out “yes!” and raises his hands in the air. Then sees the look on his son’s face and the kid is crushed because his dad just stole his dragon, and the dad pauses and then just keeps right on grinning at his son. Didn’t feel bad or anything. Beautiful.

Is there anything you would change about the game (unit, rule, mechanic, etc.)?
I don’t enjoy glyphs. I never play with them in my home games.

Also, I would like new dice. Mainly ones that have more skulls. Some that have more shields. Depending on what I need.

What is your favorite aspect of HeroScape?
By far my favorite aspect is the community.


Can you tell us how you’ve gotten to where you are now in the community?
I met Matthias at that first tournament back in 2010 and he invited me to do some gaming with him and some other Nebraska ’Scapers. We became pretty good friends pretty quickly and he invited me to GenCon in 2011, and I got to meet a lot more of the Heroscape community. Ten years later, Matthias and I are still good friends. Currently I am one of the 3.5 people who put on the Heroscape events at GenCon.

What do you enjoy most about Heroscapers.com?
It’s just a fantastic site and a fantastic community. I’m honestly not sure what else there is to say.

What is one customs/community project you’ve stuck with through your time here?
I don’t play customs, though I appreciate the time and effort people have put into them. It’s really amazing the creativity our community has exhibited. Customs can help keep people engaged in the game, the website, and the community in general and that is just wonderful.

Is there any member of Heroscapers.com you’d really like to play against?
I would play against Dragon Ruler anytime. I have always enjoyed our games: they are laid back, friendly affairs where we just talk through the pros and cons of moves as we make them.

Three Truths And A Lie
  1. I created a custom Heroscape unit of myself.
  2. I have 2 kids in college.
  3. I won a Thunderstone tournament at GenCon.
  4. I have a Dobermann.

Last Month’s Lie (Matthias Maccabeus)
  1. I have 6 kids.
  2. I met my wife when she was 14.
  3. I’ve never played Q9 or rats in a tournament game. [Matthias ran q9 and rats against dok.]
  4. I’ve been a foster parent for over 13 years.


Favorite movie genre and movie:
Action (superhero/fantasy). I don’t have a single favorite. To Catch a Thief (Grace Kelly—my secret crush), Star Wars (first movie I can remember seeing: 1977—I was 4), Lord of the Rings trilogy (I hated the books; can’t stand Tolkien’s writing and couldn’t make it through no matter how hard I tried, so these movies allowed me to live in his world for a while and see what other people seem to see ... without having to suffer from Tom Bombadil’s #$&#&*$ songs).

Favorite book genre and book:
Fantasy. Probably a tie between the original Dragonlance trilogy and The Dresden Files.

Favorite song genre and song:
Rock (classic rock, hard rock, etc). Current favorite song for the last several years has been “Carry on Wayward Son” by Kansas. Though if I had one album, it would be Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band’s Nine Tonight, recorded live.


What message do you have for the ’Scaper community?
You guys are fantastic. Seriously, this is the best community of random individuals brought together by a children’s game that I’ve ever been a part of! I’d love to see this community and site last another 10 years (at least!).

Whom do you pick for the next ’Scaper of the Month?
I’d like to nominate coachmuskie. I met him at GenCon in 2019. Had a fun game in one of the tournaments and got to talk with him a bit during the downtime. I like the enthusiasm he has and the way he is bringing new players into the game up there in Michigan.
Total Comments 2


flameslayer93's Avatar
Great reading!

Since all the truths are within reason, I'll just go with you not having a Doberman.
Posted September 30th, 2020 at 08:11 AM by flameslayer93 flameslayer93 is offline
infectedsloth's Avatar
Great read Beau!

I'll say number 3 is a lie. I believe the most likely outcome is, you didn't take it to serious, made new friends, and were a delight to everyone you interacted with.

Scarcely wishing I'm wrong, and you're hyper competitive at Thunderstone
Posted October 5th, 2020 at 11:03 AM by infectedsloth infectedsloth is offline
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