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Ask Papa-'Scape (humor) articles from Papa-'Scape
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Ask Papa-'Scape #9

Posted November 15th, 2008 at 11:00 AM by Revdyer
Updated November 18th, 2008 at 07:57 AM by Revdyer
Hello, again, boys and gulls. It's been a few weeks since old Papa-'Scape has had a chance to sit down and share his amazing wisdom with the wonderful world of HeroScapers.com. We've had a national election and many local ones, some of which are still counting. You can count on them to be counting and recounting for another month, at least, and that brings us to our first question.

Dear Papa-'Scapeman,
Our game group is arguing about how many starting hexes you have to have in a game. So, dude, how many?
(signed) Counting on you

Dear Counting,
There was that old flag, back during the American Revolution (I remember it like it was yesterday) with the motto "Don't Tread on Me." Well, I say, "Don't Count on Me." Don't call me "dude," either.

As to your question, though, how many starting hexes do you have to have in a game, the answer depends on several factors. First, it depends on what game you're...
Comments 5 Revdyer is offline

Ask Papa-'Scape #8

Posted October 21st, 2008 at 09:21 AM by Revdyer
Good morning, boys and girls and other things or people! Autumn is in the air and allergies are stuffing up our noses. School is back in full swing and Christmas preparations or ones for your other favorite mid-winter holiday are in their most fevered planning modality. It is a great day for a short nap and National HeroScape Day (always the third Saturday in October) has just passed us by. That brings us to our very first question for this edition of "Ask Papa-'Scape."

Dear Papa-'Scape,

Our [State name omitted as a courtesy] group did not get together on National HeroScape Day but we wanted to. Some of the members had to look at some land they had recently bought. Others had just gotten married and were much too busy. One had just bought some oxen and needed to inspect the livestock. So we didn't get together. My question is: can we have a tournament or a game day on another day for our National HeroScape Day celebration?
(signed) In a Days
Comments 5 Revdyer is offline

Ask Papa-'Scape #7

Posted October 7th, 2008 at 08:23 AM by Revdyer
Good morning, again, boys and girls! It is a happy Tuesday and raining where I am, so it is time to turn to the burning questions of the day being asked of Papa-'Scape.

The first one comes from deep within the Week@Heroscapers, October 6 blog, in a very interesting article about drafting. It is suggested, as the method for beginning the draft:

Ask Papa-Scape who goes first.

The answer is simple, of course. Papa-'Scape goes first. If I'm not there, then you go first. If there is more than one you (or more than one ewe, for that matter), then you roll the d20 and the person who rolls highest goes first. After that, the draft turn passes to the next tallest person and ends up with the shortest person, who is either Jim or theGuru.

Now a question from Revdyer's PM mailbox:

I recently received the object of my desire: The fabled krug pack. It was tapped up, which I found odd, but hey, I won it at a tournament so it could...
Comments 7 Revdyer is offline

Ask Papa-'Scape #6

Posted September 28th, 2008 at 12:24 PM by Revdyer
Updated September 28th, 2008 at 12:45 PM by Revdyer
Hi there, boys and girls! Papa-'Scape has just returned from a week with Revdyer in the mountains of Western North Carolina (Black Mountain, specifically). He was up there teaching an elder hostel (angry old folks) about the history of Christianity and the history of the American Civil War. It was really difficult to listen to him talk for an hour and a half each morning on both of those topics (there's three hours wasted for Papa-'Scape!) and there was no internet access and if it had not been so beautiful (and some of the people interesting) I would have been bored to death. But now we're back and I have two interesting (to me) questions from Revdyer's PM mail box. (You can PM me with your questions there too!)

First, Fuzzie Fuzz forwarded this:

Dear Papa 'Scape,

My friend is a really sore loser. Whenever I do damage to his figures, he shrieks, lights my cards on fire, cuts the heads off of all my figures, kills a kitten, gnaws on my Krug,
Comments 5 Revdyer is offline

Ask Papa-'Scape #5

Posted September 15th, 2008 at 10:04 AM by Revdyer
Good morning, boys and girls! (It is always morning somewhere.) I hope you all have had a safe and happy weekend, not too soggy, unless you’re on the Texas/Louisiana Gulf Coast, where we know you are very soggy indeed today and probably won’t be able to read this anyway until you get some power back on. We’re wishing you well and a speedy and full recovery from the storms.

I’ve received several questions over the past few days and thought I’d better get cooking on answering these vital queries. Here is the first:

Dear [Papa-‘Scape].....

Sometimes my friends warp or bend my beloved cards, since I am the only person in my group that buys scape, should I just get protectors, or unleash my wrath?


Great question, Zanter! Papa-‘Scape is always in favor of using protection, whether it is motor oil in your car, card protectors for HeroScape, or other more personal protection items (such as athletic cups...what...
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