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Posted April 28th, 2012 at 09:32 AM by Sylvano the Wasabus
How do you know where you’re supposed to go?

I’ve always subscribed to the theory that if you keep doing something, you will at least find out what you’re not supposed to be doing, what direction you’re not supposed to be going in- and thus by default remain on your truth path. But that’s the same as walking into walls to find your way down a hallway.

How can one bypass all that thumping?

When I was younger I thought I knew which way was the best for me. But all sorts of things popped up, and some commitments have developed into families and people who need me in one way or another. I guess that’s what life is, but no matter how noble it sounds to live in the service of others somehow I cannot shake the feeling that there is something I should be doing that I currently am not.

I’ve had much shakeup in my life the last couple years- health problems, losing jobs- and though all of that was sometimes incredibly upsetting, it was like walking into the walls.

My job was not that important, it was not a path that really led anywhere important for me. It put food on the table, and I tried to think that was enough. It wasn’t. Then when my job was gone I realized how wonderful it was to have dependable employment and that food on the table was not something to be taken for granted.

Fast forward and last week they asked me in my temporary job to stay permanently and it felt wonderful. It was like I was able to relax for the first time in a long time. Skip to today and funding was cut and I have maybe six weeks. It’s not as devastating as it once was. After all, it’s not really what I should be doing.

If you consider that there are billions of people on this planet, and billions more who have lived before- can one person really be that much of anything? I think no. Groups of people can, and have, over time, by working together. So what am I so hung up about? I’m not going to change the world, or invent anything.

I like to think about human hunter gatherer groups when considering people today. I like the perspective it gives.

I have a friend who cannot resist believing every conspiracy theory there is. Right now he’s preparing for this year’s government meltdown and society’s descent into chaos. Guys like him helped our ancestors get through the rough times, when they really happened.

I know some people who don’t believe in evolution. Evolutionarily speaking, their disbelief is predicted by evolution. Our species does not put all its eggs in one basket. Some people will always cling to the past and the status quo just as others are determined to unravel the future.

Doomsayers made us hesitate and saved our genes, while religious figures encouraged us to follow rules that encouraged our survival through diet, hygiene and behaviour.

I know I’m just another body among the billions. I recognize that my longing is a genetic device designed to help my species survive. I understand that it is pretty much meaningless – it’s mine alone, my personal burden, and my personal struggle. A personal, inextinguishable fire- for I know that it is not a single accomplishment I yearn for- achieving them is meaningless to me. Struggling to create something is the place I feel at home.

So perhaps that is my answer- I must keep working towards something, always. Otherwise I feel miserable, lazy, useless. The struggle keeps me alive.

Now if I can just channel this somehow into building something that would benefit me- a rewarding job, for example. But I think I am cursed Cassandra-like- she could foresee the future but no one would believe her. I can do all sorts of things, build things, imagine things and see them through to fruition, but if it’s for or about me I’m not really interested.

I’d like to believe the universe isn’t thumping on my door telling me to pay attention to what I frequently ignore, but it’s getting hard to ignore the thumping. My personal descent into madness.

I guess it’s finally time to finish and publish a book or two.

From a recent interview with Josh Whedon:
Interviewer: Tell us a joke
Josh: Your life has meaning.
Interviewer: Tell us a secret
Josh: Your life has meaning.
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Posted April 28th, 2012 at 04:44 PM by chas chas is offline
Sherman Davies's Avatar
True, you may be just one person among billions, and maybe you don't feel like you're inventing anything or changing the world, but you do affect lives in your own way. Both in your children's world and right here.
Posted April 28th, 2012 at 07:36 PM by Sherman Davies Sherman Davies is online now
"I understand that it is pretty much meaningless – it’s mine alone, my personal burden, and my personal struggle."

No one wanders through life alone. You have your kids, your friends and well...us.
There are very few things one person can do by themselves and yet as a civilization we have done so much.

When I worked at a newspaper my editor, over a few beers, told me he no longer enjoyed writing because he had to do it every day. I began to feel the same way and finally quit to pursue other interests - of which I won't bore you with.

But then I started writing again, part of the reason I'm not here very often truth be told, but it's become one of the two hobbies I have that I'm unwilling to part with. My normal job has affected a lot of lives but those lives affected will never know (I'm glad of that). Even if the writing I do now affects no one but me then that is good enough.

I've already written a play and have started a novel and truely believe we all have books in us. Personally I can't wait to read yours.

Posted April 30th, 2012 at 10:34 AM by AMIS AMIS is offline
Updated April 30th, 2012 at 10:35 AM by AMIS (Just because...)
kolakoski's Avatar

Aren't We All?

Well met!

I feel your pain, Sylvano.
I, too, just lost my job of 29 years, and, for me, too:

My job was not that important, it was not a path that really led anywhere important for me. It put food on the table, and I tried to think that was enough. It wasn’t. Then when my job was gone I realized how wonderful it was to have dependable employment and that food on the table was not something to be taken for granted.

I have always felt, as you, that

I cannot shake the feeling that there is something I should be doing that I currently am not.

Your solution:

I must keep working towards something, always. Otherwise I feel miserable, lazy, useless. The struggle keeps me alive.

seems a sensible one. It has certainly worked for my wife. And for Capt. Kirk, when he was offered paradise. There are those that believe that the world is perfect as it is, that everything happens for a reason - as a lesson, and that we keep coming back until we have mastered it. I find it comforting, otherwise I would view myself as having fallen short of my destiny, never to catch up or recover what I have lost.

I wonder how much of a vacuum you are working in. I have always tried to do everything by myself - an isolated course that leads to delusional thinking. Your

personal descent into madness.

If you reach out a bit, I'm sure that things will not seem as bleak as they appear to be now.

As I read over what I have written, it falls far short of what I had hoped to convey. You are undoubtedly far better in every aspect of living than you think. Just ask your friends, family, even acquaintances. You are certainly much admired here.
Posted May 5th, 2012 at 11:40 PM by kolakoski kolakoski is offline
Updated May 6th, 2012 at 01:13 PM by kolakoski
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