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Writing Update #12 - October

We've reached the end of another month, which means it's time for another update on where my writing sits. Not a lot has changed, so this will be a short update.

I've fallen into a rhythm with writing and work, which should enable me to make some writing progress every day. As a result, the magic system for my novels has been created, and the world is about halfway developed. Development on that will continue on the weekends. The skeleton of the plot for the trilogy is in place. I now need to go through a series of questions centered around how I can make what I know needs to happen - happen. Work on that will continue in the mornings before I go to my dental job. Additionally, the personal stakes for the hero are in place. Once I've answered some of the questions related to his backstory, I'll know enough to properly develop him. That will probably happen over a few weekends.

Fan Fiction
So, while I'm making steady progress on novels, where is fan fiction? Unfortunately, right where it was last month. There has been no stroke of inspiration to write another fan fiction story. I still don't want to discount the possibility - especially once I start the actual writing for my novels. That could open the door for some on-the-side development. But as of right now, interest for my novels is high, and interest in a possible fan fiction story is low as a result.

The Future
So for now, work on novels should continue at a steady pace. I still plan on being around, participating in the fan fic competition if the mood strikes me, maybe writing a quick one chapter fan fiction here and there, possibly continuing where DoD left off. But time will tell. For now, work on the trilogy continues. Stay tuned for another update next month.

Until then, keep reading.


I keep looking forward to those novels, and you keep slashing your progress and restarting :lol: But seriously I do want to read them and am eager to check out even a sample chapter. My own progress remains slow, as work and distractions keep me busy...

I keep looking forward to those novels, and you keep slashing your progress and restarting :lol: But seriously I do want to read them and am eager to check out even a sample chapter. My own progress remains slow, as work and distractions keep me busy...

Yeah I feel bad about the restarting. The magic system I have now is pretty solid - I finally stopped trying to cover every criteria myself and gave GPT a list and basically said 'I need this'. The great thing about GPT is that you can have a back-and-forth conversation and tweak things - I was able to mold some of GPT's ideas, plus my own thoughts, into a working system which hits all of my criteria. Of course I've said that before... So far so good though.

In lieu of a team to spitball ideas with, yeah I'd say it's a much-needed tool :D Outside perspectives (even a robot's) can be invaluable for covering one's blind spots


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