• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Version 2.0 Series

When given the chance to write to an audience, many people think about how to be funny or inspiring, to get people to like them or (in some cases) to hate them, to attempt to bring the truth into the lights of audience eyes or even to make no sense whatsoever.

I now have a chance to write to an audience, albeit a small one made up of mostly guys (and a few ladies) like myself. Most members have played Heroscape a lot longer than me, have sounder strategy than me, can write or create better than me, and have already earned the respect of this community. So, what's a guy to do? What can I possible add to this community?

The answer is nothing. I cannot add anything. I truly believe that instead, I have been given an opportunity not to add, but to abstact, deduce, synthesize. Simply put, I hope to show what was and what has become. How things are different now from when they started. How something that was started grew and changed into something different, yet maintained a foundation of similarity. How a second generation of an idea, product, or group emerges.

How a version 2.0 becomes real.


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  • American Version 2.0
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  • Geek Version 2.0
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