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The Lurker Life

Hi all,

Being a lurker for the past month or so due to the constraints of work (our second busiest month in the 8-year history of the company), I have gained an appreciation for the easy access to information. Here are the highlights I have found over the past month:
  • Sylvano the Wasabeus and his amazing blog. It is more exciting to me than Preview Wednesdays!
  • The C3G and C3G Mapmakers. These guys are just plain out good at what they do.
  • The ebb and flow of love and hate for the current direction of Heroscape. It is so much easier to be objective if you aren't posting!
  • The chance to brag about good finds when I return. I paid $120 to some clueless teenage for RotV (1st edition with sparkly water and red/blue dice), SotM, FotA, RttFF, Volcarren Wasteland, 3 flagbearers, a complete set of Waves 1 and 4-6 and two Wave 2 packs. Overall, I estimate the value at over $500 in the current market. Best part of it, the reason he was leaving the game he told me, a 24-year old married guy, was that he "grew out of the it."
Special shout-out to quozl who cared enough to see how I was doing. You know you have friends when they actually care when you aren't there.

Now, time to prepare for defending my TTO V title. After making Day 2 of GenCon, I am feeling pretty confident. The "Christmas Tree" worked wonders but I think that my "God Save the Queen " army is even better!

Long live Heroscape!


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