• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

New NGC Community Customs Contest!

Hello NGC fans- it's time for us to announce our next community customs contest.


Have you enter wanted to design an entirely custom Heroscape unit, using a figure from your imagination? I know I have.

That's why we're pleased to announce a special theme for the next NGC Community Contest, where we will be collaborating with Chris Torres (AKA Shaper) to design a sculpt from the ground up based on a winning entry.

Who is Shaper? Shaper is a professional sculptor best known for his recent work on Source and TimeStrike. They have volunteered to design a sculpt for use in NGC, and in the spirit of community collaboration Shaper and the NGC team have reached a joint decision to have that sculpt be based around a submission from a community member.

Entrants will be asked to submit two card drafts, representing a Hero and its mounted variant. An excellent example of what we're looking for is C3V's Hrognak. What the hero does, how it looks, where it fits among settings established in classic HeroScape and NGC canon- these are all details the entrant is free to determine for themselves.

Here's how it works: Community members have from now until May 24th to submit their entry, using the form detailed in our Heroscapers thread. They may post their submission there or in the #mounted-design-contest discord channel on the NGC server, though each user is limited to a single submission. Anyone is eligible to participate! Submissions need not be worded perfectly or have their lore figured out down to a T- we will primarily be judging these entrants based on strength of design, and can focus on polish during the design process ramping up to a special release.

Upon release, the STLs for this unit will be released to the community, free of charge. The aforementioned HeroScapers thread and the #public-customs-and-brainstorming channel on the NGC Discord will remain open for users to discuss possible submissions.

For more details, come to the thread! Or the Discord!


New Generation Customs / NGC is a community, fan project that makes custom content compatible with Heroscape and claims no ownership of Heroscape.


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