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Month@HSers - #3 VC This week, we will take a closer look at another one of units from Lodin's Discord: the Ebon Armor. The Ebon Armor is a unique squad of powerful constructs that can return to the battlefield after being destroyed. Their Defensive Positioning makes them hard to target...
Month@HSers - #2 C3G This week, we are highlighting the C3G Public Exclusive Conan the Barbarian! His Barrage of Blades ability allows him to attack up to three times at any point while moving, with the only downside being a shortened movement length. He can also race across the map...
Month@HSers - #1 VC This article will take a closer look at one of the new units from the Lodin's Discord release: Rygarn. This time-traveling unique hero from Arctorus boasts strong base stats and a way to avoid damage with a d20 roll of 15 or higher, but Rygarn's biggest claim to fame is...
C3G Many Universes, One World: A History of C3G Chapter 1: BG (Before the Guild) In the beginning, there was a picture and a promise of things to come. A promise left unfulfilled. Yes, I am talking about the Marvel Reinforcements pack, a horribly evil tease of what the gentlemen in charge...
C3G This week, we bring you an Event Hero from C3G, Beyonder! His Mere Pawns ability lets him take control of up to two Unique Heroes for a turn, regardless of their previous allegiance. He can teleport figures within his vision next to him, or even switch them with another figure using...
VC The Boot Camp of Valhalla (BCoV), while not affiliated with the VC project, is a project with the goal to allow the community as a whole to design and playtest a unit to submit that unit to the SoV. French 'scaper Lyrgard initiated the idea, and it took off like a rocket. The first of...
C3G The Heroes over at C3G are men of habit and two in particular stand out to me - making a big splash on their anniversary (April 23) and spreading some Christmas cheer with an unexpected release. This year, C3G is celebrating its own version of the 12 days of Christmas with a special...
VC Harkening back to the GenCon exclusives of years past, the C3V has released it's first National Heroscape Day exclusive: the Azurite Warlord! Check out the official announcement if you missed it! Azurite Warlord bonds with both Armoc Vipers and Roman Legionnaires, and is formidable in...
HoSS This week, we bring you the Imperial Stormtroopers! These soldiers represent the backbone of the Imperial Army and are great with any Imperial build. Their Imperial Marksmanship allows for one additional hit per skull against squads, making them devastating from height. Their 3 defense...
VC DEAR ABBY ... I have a question loosely related to the C3V and/or SoV. Could I send that question via PM to Arch-vile on Heroscapers.com to see if it could be featured in a W@HS article? DEAR CURIOUS GEORGE: Yes, you can. I cannot guarantee that the answer will be what you are looking for...
C3G Holy Double SSEs, Batman! This month C3G is bringing you not one but TWO Super Secret Exclusive releases this month! The first was featured right here last week, but the second is unexpected and clouded in mystery. At least it was. In case you haven't seen already its been...
C3G This week, we bring you the Silver Samurai! He can use his Teleportation Ring to move an additional three spaces after his normal movement. He can use his Tachyonic Katana to get two extra attacks. His Counter Strike power allows him to cause damage while defending. VC Have you ever played...
C3G VC While Valhalla welcomes some new Varkaanan units in Wave 17, let us take a moment to look at the original Varkaanans: the Varkaanan Blade Dancers! While not able to bond with the wolf pack, the Blade Dancers have something the male Varkaanans lack: numbers. This common squad is...
VC For those familiar with the VC Power Rankings that dok maintains, here is an interesting statistic for you. Out of the 46 ranked VC units, 35 of them are ranked either B or B+. Will the Wave 17 units follow this trend? Give them a try and let us know! HoSS This week, we bring you that...
<hr class="postHR"> VC New warriors are arriving in Valhalla shortly, but how will those warriors change the war? Share your thoughts about the upcoming release in the C3V Speculation Thread. Who knows, maybe someone guessed something correctly already! HINT: Check a graveyard for a clue...
VC Hi everyone! Arch-vile here, interviewing a longtime member of VC about the upcoming Wave 17. So, without further ado, here is dok!Arch-vile: Tell me a little about your involvement in the VC project. dok: I was brought on about 5 months into C3V's history as a Designer, which meant my...
VC "The enemy's forces have overrun the alliance," Aquilla whispers sadly to herself. "Vydar's betrayal has left Jandar wheeling in retreat. No word comes from Ullar, while Einar's defenses grow weaker every day." "Will we lose our home now, after so many have already been lost?" Aquilla...
C3G Last week, we spotlighted one of the designs from a Super Secret Release, the Armored Antagonists. This week we will continue to spotlight these designs. On the bar this week – Fire Brand! With his Dual Flamethrowers SA he can roast up to three figures at once! With his Lava Resistance...
C3G Last week, C3G brought you a Super Secret Release, the Armored Antagonists. This week we will continue to spotlight one of these designs. On tap this week – Crimson Dynamo! With his Electrical Blast Special Attack, Gavrilov may either attack two figures twice each, three figures - with...
C3G This week, C3G brings you a Super Secret Release, the Armored Antagonists! So for the next couple weeks, we will bring each one up into the limelight for all to admire. First up is the Iron Patriot! With his Chaotic Leadership ability, Osborne has a chance to move his troops forward...