• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.



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I've been thinking quite a bit about a system of rules to incorporate into Heroscape to bring to the game some form of partial cover. Obviously over the years there have been many different discussions and incarnations of a partial cover rule set. However none of them seemed to grab my interest...
A while back, I came upon a WotC podcast featuring the folks from webcomics 'Penny Arcade' and 'Player vs. Player'. The series of podcasts places these guys in a room with a WotC DM to play some 4th Edition D&D. What ensues during the recorded sessions is pretty much pure, uncensored...
For those who may have missed this post in the forums... Let me try to clear up some of the history as best I can: In the beginning, Hero created Heroscape.net. What was originally established to be a small site where he and a few friends could talk about the upcoming release of a...
Eventually, I will be utilizing this blog a bit more responsibly with posts and info you may very well find interesting. You know, such things as custom units, maybe some maps, some insightful ramblings and all that. For now, however, here's a video of me this past Friday at my sister's house...