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'Scaper-of-the-Month #84 - mac122

'Scaper-of-the-Month #84 is... mac122 PROFILE: Who are you, really? Todd Wagener. Husband to Kim for 22 years. Father to Tyler, 21, Stephanie, 18, and Kyle, 8. Kyle, Kim, and Stephanie at the US Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH. How old are you? 48. Alright, I've answered your...

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  • Teasers
    I just wanted to give you a glimpse of some new things I’m working on. Which of them most...
  • 'Scaper-of-the-Month #83 - Porkins
    'Scaper-of-the-Month #83 is... Porkins PROFILE: Who are you, really? Rob Witham...
  • La Isla de Sombra
    Here’s another preview of coming attractions. I’ve been working on this map off and on for some...
  • Soulrazor Hollow
    I know it’s been a while since I posted a new battlefield for you all to check out. Actually I...
  • 'Scaper-of-the-Month #82 - davidhsl
    Another member of the C3G spills the beans. 'Scaper-of-the-Month #82 is... davidhsl...

More blogs from AliasQTip
