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'Scaper-of-the-Month #82 - davidhsl

Another member of the C3G spills the beans. 'Scaper-of-the-Month #82 is... davidhsl PROFILE: Who are you, really? Me, but that's a little vague. David Hassell How old are you? 49 What is your occupation? Bookkeeper (accounting) What other interests do you have? I...

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More entries from AliasQTip

  • 'Scaper-of-the-Month #84 - mac122
    'Scaper-of-the-Month #84 is... mac122 PROFILE: Who are you, really? Todd Wagener...
  • Teasers
    I just wanted to give you a glimpse of some new things I’m working on. Which of them most...
  • 'Scaper-of-the-Month #83 - Porkins
    'Scaper-of-the-Month #83 is... Porkins PROFILE: Who are you, really? Rob Witham...
  • La Isla de Sombra
    Here’s another preview of coming attractions. I’ve been working on this map off and on for some...
  • Soulrazor Hollow
    I know it’s been a while since I posted a new battlefield for you all to check out. Actually I...

More blogs from AliasQTip
