• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Heroscape Party

It was an informative party on Wednesday (June 18th). Kudos to Truth and the others involved in making it happen. I cannot wait to participate in Heroscape event in person.

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More entries from Aquaryan

  • Gadgets From Big To Small
    When it comes to Christmas suggestions, I do not always know what to ask for because the problem...
  • Sick
    About to leave for the Doctor's. I could hardly sleep, last night, because of the headache. 24...
  • Busy Busy
    I have been very busy with my job that I have not had much time or energy to check up on the...
  • The Glass Plastiks
    One of my favorite bands has released their latest album: Time To Exist
  • Got a Cravin' For Ice Cream
    The hot weather does bring out the craving for ice cream. I was craving it, as I was organizing...

More blogs from Aquaryan
