• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Ask Papa-'Scape #3

Hello, boys and girls! I hope you all are having a good time as you go back to school. Be sure to take an apple or a contribution to their 501(k) to your teachers, it will put them in a better mood and that will be good for you and us all. Since the last episode of Ask Papa-‘Scape was a bit...

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More entries from Revdyer

  • Ask Papa-'Scape #9
    Hello, again, boys and gulls. It's been a few weeks since old Papa-'Scape has had a chance to...
  • Ask Papa-'Scape #8
    Good morning, boys and girls and other things or people! Autumn is in the air and allergies are...
  • Ask Papa-'Scape #7
    Good morning, again, boys and girls! It is a happy Tuesday and raining where I am, so it is time...
  • Ask Papa-'Scape #6
    Hi there, boys and girls! Papa-'Scape has just returned from a week with Revdyer in the...
  • Ask Papa-'Scape #5
    Good morning, boys and girls! (It is always morning somewhere.) I hope you all have had a safe...

More blogs from Revdyer
