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  1. FFC 112

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Blog entries
TGRF's Fan Fiction Chronicles - Entry #86 There's a truth about my writing I've been aware of for many years, and haven't really known what to do with. That truth is this: despite gaining lots of knowledge about writing, and learning what does and doesn't work, and everything else I've...
DISCLAIMER: This is not official. This is a fan made custom project. This is what we have previously created and released: C3G Books of Index This is what we have created and are currently releasing: C3G Promotions Department This is where you can go to get started with C3G (Comics Customs...
TGRF's Fan Fiction Chronicles - Entry #85 Way back when I started these FFC's, I was talking about rewriting Dilmir with a passive theme. I've apparently gone full circle, because that's what this entry is about. If you've been following my writing updates, you know that after some...
TGRF's Fan Fiction Chronicles - Entry #84 You know what? I'm back. I am back. I'm not writing like I used to, with stories and development filling every waking hour. And when I do write, stories don't flow unending like they used to either. But that's a way of writing I can never...
DISCLAIMER: This is not official. This is a fan made custom project. C3V Public Announcements Thread This is where you can go to get started with C3V (Classic Customs Creators of Valhalla). This thread lists all the units C3V has released: C3V Books of Index. C3V brings you wave CV10...
TGRF's Fan Fiction Chronicles - Entry #83 My last blog entry was titled 'End of an Era'. This one is titled 'The New Era', not because what I said previously is irrelevant, or because I'm 'back'. This is a new era simply because all of the changes from the last two years have solidified, and...
DISCLAIMER: This is not official. This is a fan made custom project. This is what we have previously created and released: C3G Books of Index This is what we have created and are currently releasing: C3G Promotions Department This is where you can go to get started with C3G (Comics Customs...
TGRF's Fan Fiction Chronicles - Entry #82 The observant among you, my readers, might have noticed a disturbing trend where I discover something, or make some proclamation, only to go back on it in the next blog and say I was wrong all along. This entry is going to be like a double reverse of...
TGRF's Fan Fiction Chronicles - Entry #81 In case it hasn't been obvious over the last few entries, I feel closer now to restarting my writing than I ever have. The confusion which was present at the beginning of this writing drought has been replaced with clarity. I've knocked out obstacles...
TGRF's Fan Fiction Chronicles - Entry #80 Ever since my writing stopped, I've known something which I've never mentioned here. I didn't mention it, because despite all my various proclamations that I was 'back' or I had 'fixed' X, Y, or Z, it was evidence that I was wrong. And I kind of knew...
TGRF's Fan Fiction Chronicles - Entry #79 This FFC will be a bit different from my others, because it concerns a scene I've seen repeated in my home on occasion. And, being the writer I am, I feel compelled to critique it. Last night, a friend of mine - who considers himself to be a movie...
TGRF's Fan Fiction Chronicles - Entry #78 It's been mid-August since my last blog entry, and late June since my last real update, leading the more avid of my followers to perhaps wonder what has become of me and my writing. More likely my fiction endeavors have simply been forgotten, but I'm...
What? What? Another ARV contest awakens your curiosity and creativity ... and calls on your willingness to accept a challenge! It's been more than a minute, or two, but the Architects of the Realms of Valhalla have recovered and we are back with a new contest and a great prize for the best...
TGRF's Fan Fiction Chronicles - Entry #77 I’ve said elsewhere that I want to use this time to further study writing, specifically what I have left to work on. One of those areas is stakes. Stakes have always been a bit of an issue for me, as I’ve mentioned before on numerous occasions...
TGRF's Fan Fiction Chronicles - Entry #76 A while ago, I finished the Mistborn trilogy, by Brandon Sanderson. In a word, I’d describe it as a solid read. Some things I took issue with, others I thought were masterful. The end result was that it got me excited to start the Stormlight Archive...
ScapeCon 2021 is just around the corner (Wednesday, July 28-Sunday, August 1), and I'm excited to announce that we'll have an unprecedented level of coverage for this event! Interested in watching some HeroScape action at ScapeCon 2021? Check out ISB3's Live Stream at...
I recently finished the final book in the Mistborn trilogy, so it's time to get down to the review. Out of the trilogy, I feel like this book was definitely the best one. Sanderson kept up some unique style choices throughout the series, and in this book they started to pay off big time...
TGRF's Fan Fiction Chronicles - Entry #75 While the fires of my creative writing have been reduced to smoldering embers, I've been devoting my writing time instead to research. I feel like I'm ready to start work on my novels, and I want to clean up any remaining issues my writing has in...
TGRF's Fan Fiction Chronicles - Entry #74 Writing is a field of unknowns. Take this entry. This could be my last entry for a good while, or I could be back in two weeks. I have no idea which. Why could it be my last entry for a long time? Because I finally did what I've been saying I need...
I finished the second book in the Mistborn trilogy yesterday, and after letting my thoughts gel a bit, I want to get down to the review. On the whole, I think I definitely liked the first book better. It just felt more... cohesive. It felt more structured, in a good way. But I'll get more...